Palaeolithic Age

The Paleolithic Age can be divided into 3 parts:

  • The Lower Paleolithic Age

  • The Middle Paleolithic Age

  • The Upper Paleolithic Age

Now, lets talk about all 3 of them!

An Early man lighting a fire with his own hands

The Lower Paleolithic Age

  • It was an era between 1.5 million to 200,000 years ago that can be found in almost every part of India, but not in Sri Lanka.

  • Handaxe tradition and the eastern chopping tool tradition are two key early tool building traditions.

  • These tool-making traditions seem to have spread in sync with the growth of bamboo.

  • In this era, man started to make tools out of stone.

The Middle Paleolithic Age

  • It was an era between 250,000 to 30,000 years ago.

  • The stone-flake tool industry is widely distributed in India, Pakistan, etc.

  • The cave of Darra-i Kur in North-eastern Afghanistan produced a fossil that is anatomically related to the modern Homosapien!

The Upper Paleolithic Age

  • The Upper Paleolithic saw the emergence of more sophisticated tools.

  • It lasted from about 50,000-40,000 years ago until about 10,000 years ago.

  • It was characterized by the emergence of regional stone tool industries.

Page Made By: Arjun Manocha and Aditya Vikram