Early Developments

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~ Sanchi Bansal DLDAVPP



~Video by Sanchi Bansal & Abhilasha Shokeen DLDAVPP using canva.com

The economics of the world started with hunter-gatherers to the current entrepreneurs and traders.

  • Hunter-Gatherers formed the first basis of the economy, they used to feed on animals and plants, and exchanged them.

  • In the agricultural revolutions, they started growing their own food, settlements, and even tools.

  • Furthermore, they used the new inventions and transportations and started trading goods.

  • The use of maths and science in that period led to the creation of factories and expanded the idea of manufacturing.

"Great things are not discovered, they are created"

-by Abhilasha Shokeen DLDAVPP


Technology is an important asset that has been growing and changing rapidly with humans, affecting our lifestyle and advancements. This technological revolution has always been a part of our development from apes to present human forms, from stone tools to machine guns, from coins to online payment, and from wheels to motors cars.

~Sanchi Bansal DLDAVPP

Made by Sanchi Bansal DLDAV using https://ezgif.com/



Think about a moving stairway, that's what now we call escalators. In 1859, the first of its kind called Revolving stairs were invented by Nathen Ames of Michigan, US. This was the world's first escalator, followed by several versions. The earliest working escalator was patented by Jesse W. Reno in 1892 and was implemented for the first time at Coney Island, a theme park in New York.

Wireless Communications

Our advanced smartphones and telephones date back to the idea of the Italian inventor- Guglielmo Marconi. He developed an idea of a wireless telegraph now used as Radio. He successfully gave his idea a picture and sent a wireless Morse code message to a device that was up to a kilometer away in 1892. Many other scientists worked on this idea.

~Sanchi Bansal DLDAVPP

Diesel Engine

The heart of our present motor cars- the efficient diesel engine was an invention by Rudolf Diesel in 1895, which started replacing the early heavy fuel oil engine concepts like the hot bulb engine created by Akroyd-Stuart. Diesel's 3rd test engine was successfully used in the 1897 acceptance test. It was later taken up by other companies for development.

Wind Turbines

A wind turbine is an instrument that is used to convert the wind's kinetic energy into electrical energy. The very first known wind turbine which was used to produce electricity is built in 1616 by Fausto Veranzio.

Electric Drill

An electric drill is a drill that is driven using a power supply by an electric motor. The invention of the electric drill is accredited to Arthur James Arnot and William Blanch Brain of Melbourne, Australia who invented the electric drill in 1889.

Photographic Film

Photographic film is a sheet of plastic for recording visual scenes. The plastic has been specially been treated to behave sensitively towards the light. The use of photographic film was set out by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before changing to celluloid in 1888–1889.

~By Abhilasha Shokeen DLDAVPP


Fire was invented in Palaeolithic Age. Recent studies conducted show that the earliest use of fire took place in South Africa. Its uses to man was:

  • Fire helped man to cook his food and made it tasty.

  • It kept him warm and illuminated the dark caves.

  • It protected him from wild animals, especially at night.


Mesopotamian civilization is credited for “The Invention of Wheel”. Although, it is said wheeled carts have been found in China and Asia as well around the same time as of Mesopotamia. Thus, we can only say that it was invented in Neolithic Age around 3500 BC. Its uses to man was:

  • People could travel more distance in a shorter time.

  • More weight could be transported.

  • The wheel was also used for pottery of various types.

  • Wheel was also used in used in spinning.


Charles Babbage invented the first computer of the world in 1833 which was named as the “Difference Engine”. In 1837, he invented another computer which was the “Analytical Engine”.


In 1903, the world’s first successful airplane was invented by Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright but was only a 12 second flight. After them, many new innovations around the world to make an airplane promoted the origination of jets, helicopters, aeroplanes etc.

Light Bulb

The first successful light bulb was demonstrated in1879 by Thomas Alva Edison. It had a filament wire made of tungsten situated in the glass vacuum bulb which delayed the filament from melting. It was durable, the tungsten wire offered a high resistance and it was a big success.

~ By Arnav Sharma, SMS-JP


A telephone is a telecommunications device that allows two or more users to conduct a conversation even if they are far away from each other. This device converts the human voice typically and most efficiently into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to the receiving telephone. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and was awarded a patent for it in 1876. The essential elements of a telephone are a microphone (transmitter) to speak into and an earphone (receiver) which reproduces the voice in a distant location.[3] In addition, most telephones contain a ringer to announce an incoming telephone call, and a dial or keypad to enter a telephone number when initiating a call to another telephone.


A gun is a ranged armed weapon designed to shoot or launch solid projectiles through a shooting tube which is the barrel of the gun. It is an early machine gun and a forerunner of the modern electric motor-driven rotary cannon. In 1861, American inventor Richard Jordan Gatling invented the Gatling gun, the first successful machine gun, capable of firing 200 gunpowder cartridges in a minute. It was used by the Union Forces in the American Civil Was in the 1860s.

Gravitational Force

Gravitation also known as Gravity is a natural force by which all the things including energy, mass, planets, stars, galaxies and even light re attracted to one another. On Earth gravity gives weight to physical objects and attracts everything to its surface. The Moon’s gravity has also an important effect on the Earth. The gravitational force of the Moon causes tides in the oceans. English mathematician and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton came up with the Gravitational theory and published it in 1687 after watching an apple fall from a tree.

Printing Press

A printing press is a mechanical device which is used for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium, therefore transferring the ink. It marked an intense improvement on the printing methods which were used earlier in which the cloth, paper or other medium was brushed or rubbed repeatedly to achieve the transfer of ink. In Germany, around 1440, goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, which started the Printing Revolution.

Cell Theory

In biology, cell theory is a scientific theory first articulated in the mid-nineteenth century, that living organisms are made up of cells, and that they are the basic structural unit of all organisms, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure in all organisms and also the basic unit of reproduction. The cell was first discovered by English scientist Robert Hooke in 1665, which can be found to be described in his book Micrographia. In this book, he gave 60 ‘observations’ in detail of various objects under a coarse, compound microscope. One observation was from very thin slices of bottle cork. Hooke discovered a multitude of tiny pores that he named "cells".

~ By Ansh Sharma, SMS-JP


Emil Berliner invented the Gramophone, with later was succeeded by electric record player. As a smart businessman too, he knew how to market his patents and founded one of the first major record labels. Thomas Edison attempted to design a gramophone and named it Phonograph. It worked, but had a very low quality of sound production, so the inventor of a successful gramophone is known to be Emil Berliner.

Steam Engine

Steam engine seems to be a relic of the past but without this invention, today’s world would be a totally different place. The Watt steam engine, better known as the Boulton and Watt steam engine, was an early steam engine and one of the driving forces of the economic Revolution. James Watt developed the design sporadically from 1763 to 1775 with assist from Matthew Boulton. Watt's design stored a lot greater gas in comparison with earlier designs that they were licensed primarily based on the quantity of gasoline they would keep. Watt never stopped upgrading the steam engine, introducing double-acting designs (with cylinders) and various systems for deriving rotary energy. Watt's design came to be known commonly as steam engines, and it was a few years before substantially new designs began to update the fundamental Watt layout.


Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and electric engineer who is recognized as the inventor the first Radio wave based wireless telegram and this gave him credits of inventing radio. He received a Nobel prize in physics in 1909. Busy in the invention, Marconi developed a button which when clicked, could make a bell ring placed at a distance. This discovery led him towards the creation of Wireless radio and telegram.

Lightning Rod

The pointed lightning rod conductor, also known as a lightning attractor or Franklin rod, was designed by Benjamin Franklin in 1752 as part of his revolutionary research of electricity. His invention was really helpful in protecting houses from being stroked by lightning, or a lightning initiated fire.

Laws of Motion

The laws of motion by Sir Isaac Newton describe the relationship between a physical object and the forces operating on it. Understanding this data gives us the foundations of current physics. In 1686, he presented his three laws of motion in the “Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis.”

  • Laws of motion:

  • The law of inertia

  • The law of force (F = ma)

  • The law of action and reaction

~ By Anushka Singh, SMS-JP

Discovery of Evolution

Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution which is still accepted the best explanation of the way life on our planet Earth has developed. Charles Darwin First made people aware of their place in the evolutionary process when the most intelligent and the powerful form of life discovered how humanity has evolved. Darwin published his book in On the Origin of species in 1859. When Charles was traveling to other continents he collected some fossil while visiting. the fossil where looking similar to the bones of animals of recent times. As per Charles theory, living strongest is not important as adaption is. Animal who adapt to its surrounding survived. This is what he called evolution.

Video Games

The origin of video game was in 1950’s mainly for research purposes. It took 7-8 years to give it a shape of entertainment and the first game “Tennis for two” didn’t gain much popularity because of high cost. Many game enthusiasts designed different computer games like sport games, puzzles, logic etc for almost a decade. Finally an engineer, Ralph Baer took initiative to develop a first video gaming console which can be attached with television for operation. That ways the cost were bearable and in 1972, the first video game system was rolled out for public which became a huge success. Ralph Baer is known as father of video games for his contribution in making it accessible for common man. Years after years, video games evolved and today we have motion sensing video games.


Television was patented by Philo Farnsworth in 1927 and he called it as image dissector. Their popularity took off with more advancements. Television made a big impact on how we spend our time. With broadcast it became a great tool for human kind. It broadens knowledge of different cultures, promotes tolerance and global understanding of international issues.


Before cars were invented moving just a short distance away meant hours of buggy travel on rough roads. Suddenly, people had a new mode of transportation that could get them more places, which meant leisure travel became something common folk could afford. Karl Benz patented the three-wheeled Motor Car, known as the "Motorwagen," in 1886. It was the first true, modern automobile. Automobiles advancement became social game changer. The automobile gave people access to jobs, places to live, and services. It also contributed to the rise of leisure activities.


Penicillin was discovered by accident in 1928 by Scottish Scientist Alexander Fleming. He went on vacation leaving his lab uncleaned. When alexander returned, he found mould on contaminated plate that had killed the surrounding bacteria. He named this compound as Penicillin which is termed miracle drug. Penicillin saved millions of human life particularly during WW-II.

~ By Shreyas Mothsra, SMS-JP