Greek Civilization

Greek Civilization

The period following Mycenaean civilization, ended about 1200 B.C, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 B.C.

It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific achievements that formed a legacy with unparalleled influence on Western civilization, though most would argue that the influential Minoan culture was so different from later Greek cultures that it should be classed separately.

Greek Civilization(1).mp4

Video Made By Shivansh Arora, DLDAVPP

Collage made by Shivansh Shah Chawla, DLDAVPP using canva.

Collage made by Shivansh Shah Chawla, DLDAVPP using canva.

greek civilization.mp4

Video made by Shivansh Shah Chawla, Shivansh Arora and Advit Goel, DLDAVPP

Edited by Shivansh Shah Chawla, DLDAVPP

The Geography of Ancient Greece

The geographical coverage of Ancient Greek civilization changed remarkably during its history. Its genesis were in the land of Greece and the islands of the Aegean Sea, plus the west coast of Asia Minor. Land useful for farming were found in valley bottoms, hedged in by steep slopes, or on small islands, confined by water. As a result, Greece consisted of many small territories, each with its own dialect, cultural peculiarities, and identity. Cities tended to be located in valleys between mountains, or on narrow coastal plains, and only dominated a little area around them. These cities were fiercely independent of each other.

Agriculture of Ancient Greece

  • Like all pre-modern societies, the Greeks were primarily agricultural people. They practiced the agriculture of the ancient Mediterranean area which included the cultivation of grains, vines and olives, and keeping of sheep, goat and cattle. Their farms were mere plots of land of a few acres.

  • The main problem that the greek farmers faced was that there was so less farming land in Greece. This forced them to take sea-borne trade on a scale unmatched by people of ancient Greece.

Ancient Greek Education

  • The boys would attend a small school run by a private teacher. They learned to read and write and also do arithmetic. Later, they learned to sing and play music. Some wealthy families also had their girls educated. They were be taught to read, write, and play music. They were also given physical education.

  • Boys from wealthy families, were trained in public speaking while girls from wealthy families were trained in managing the household.

Art & Architecture

Greek architecture is known for its elegance and simplicity. The finest buildings the Greeks erected were their temples and the most famous one is The Parthenon, in Athens. Ancient Greek art emphasized the importance and accomplishments of humans. Although much of Greek art was meant to honor the greek gods, those gods were created in the image of humans.

Thus, art and architecture was a enormous source of pride for citizens of Greece and could be found in various parts of the city.

Medicines of Greece

The Greek Civilization got emerged around 700 B.C.E. and continued until around 600 C.E. The Greek doctors used rational thinking while dealing with medicines. This approach continues to influence medicines today also. Greek doctors turned the corner on divine intervention for healing practical solutions. The ancient Greeks embraced the concept of a Trusted Source of “A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY,” and their view of medicines incorporated both physical and mental wellbeing.


Two crucial factors that encouraged the ancient Greeks to seek healing and promote health were military activity and sports.

In wars, doctors worked to heal wounds, and look after the general health of soldiers.

The Olympic Games, which began in ancient Greece, raised the need for people to keep themselves healthy in order to promote fitness and to prevent injury.

The techniques included were - sourcing olive oil to raise body temperature and the practice of warming themselves before competing to avoid any injury.


The famous mathematician, Pythagorus was also a greek mathematician who brought his theory of numbers into the natural sciences. His followers believed that numbers had specific meanings, especially the numbers 4 and 7.

They believed that a baby that was born in the seventh month would enjoy better health than the one who was born in the eighth month. Also, The 40-day quarantine period to avoid disease contagion comes from the idea that the number 40 is sacred.


The Greeks were the first to introduce the art form of drama. Its origins were in the dances and songs of sacred rites, and was always associated with religious festivals. Actors wore different masks to portray various moods or characters. Greek drama included both tragedy and comedy plays. The Greeks also initiated the writing of history as in striving for accuracy, objectivity and meaning in their accounts.


A 300-year drought had caused the end of several Mediterranean cultures, including Ancient Greece. New research suggests that a sharp drop in rainfall may have led to the collapse of the Ancient Greece, around 3,200 years ago.