Our Environment

Devolution of Environment with Evolution of Mankind

Video Made By Anushka Singh, SMS-JP

History of altering the environment is as old as the history of evolution of man. Current climate crisis is not a result of short term human exploitation, rather has been taking place since ages. We need to dig deeper in the history to understand how humans have altered the environment over the period of evolution.

Many pressing issues like climate change, global warming and renewable energy are the main focus of national conversation and they are believed to be the part of modern word only. However human started changing and impacting the environment as long as 10,000 years ago and the same has been established through collaborative study in Science.

According to Feinman, about 12000 years ago, humans were mainly seeking for provisions and exploring options, thus they didn’t have extensive impact on the environment. It was later around 3000 years ago when human started farming, they had intensive interaction and influence on the environment and with time the farming become more invasive all over the globe. Human sprang up to exploit environment by clearing out forests for different activities like planting food, farming, domesticating animals and with all these activities human became dependent on nature. Further land clearance, selective breeding etc altered the environment and eventually degraded our relationship with earth and its natural resources which ultimately accelerated the annihilation.

Drastically multiplying population and increasing economic growth has turned human completely blind towards mother nature earth and subsequently proved detrimental for their relationship with mother nature. The transition of humans from hunter to gathers to modern human in different phases is manifested. Human hunger and growth became insatiable and they aspire to achieve control over everything around them. The words of M.K.Gandhi, “The earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s need; but not for anyone’s greed.” reverberates through history. Globalisation is abetting environmental degeneration. Humans are being transformed into the information driven society but at the same time environment value are on decline. An astute researcher must concede to the fact that during development, humans isolated themselves from nature. The need of the hour is to preserve environment, consider the ecological system in cohesive manner and the same idea was reflected upon in all ancient Hindu texts. It indicates that the concern for environment was much more during pre-Vedic period and with progressing time it is on continuous decline.

-write-up by Shreyas Mothsra, SMSJP

-Shreyas Mothsra, SMSJP

-Praneet Kaur, SMSJP

Climate Change and Global Warming

Global Warming is the heating up of Earth’s climate observed since the 1800s, mostly after the industrial revolution and advancements in technology. Human activities like fuel burning have increased the level of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emissions by man are not only deteriorating the environment by heating it up but also causing ozone depletion.

Quite often, Climate change and global warming are confused together. But actually, they are slightly different terms. Climate change refers to the increasing changes in climate over a long period of time – including precipitation, temperature, and wind patterns.

-Drawing by: Anushka Singh, SMSJP

The consequences of global warming and climate change are leading to the melting of ice which results in floods and forest fire. Global warming also leads to:

Higher death rates

Global warming is a threat that has adverse impacts on all of us- Be it the youth or old age- as the temperature increases, so does the incidences of being ill, or may even lead to death.

Dirtier Air

Air is polluted and may have airborne pollen in it. People with Asthmatic diseases may find it extremely difficult to breathe.

More Wildlife extinction

According to research, many marine and terrestrial species have migrated to cooler areas because of overheating. Those who are not able to migrate or adapt the climatic conditions will starve to death.

Acidic Oceans

By absorbing poisonous gas emissions, oceans are becoming acidic and this is a serious threat to marine wildlife.

High sea levels

Polar regions are the most affected regions by climate change. Due to rise in temperature, ice sheets are rapidly melting and increasing sea levels, leading to floods.


Deforestation and Afforestation

Deforestation- A poison to forests

DEFORESTATION is the act of cutting trees indiscriminately. It has adverse effects on our environment as it deteriorates the ecosystem. This act has been going on for a long time now. Trees are very useful to humans as:

1. Trees provide us with oxygen which is the most important thing to sustain life on Earth. Did You Know: - We get 40% of oxygen from Forests and 60% from the Aquatic Plants!

2. They also provide us with medicines. Some of the main medicinal plants are Acacia, Neem, Tulsi, Eucalyptus etc. Did You Know: Cinchona, a medicinal plant, provides quinine, which is used for treating diseases like Malaria.

3. They regulate the climate and play a critical role in the water cycle. Did You Know: Plants use carbon dioxide to make their food and due to the thick vegetation, leaves transpirate that assists in rainfall.

4. They also help in preventing soil erosion as their roots bind up the soil and prevent it from getting washed away by the wind or flowing water. Did You Know: Many disasters like landslides are also halted because of this feature of trees.

5. We also get several spices like turmeric, chilli and cardamom, fruits like apples and oranges Did You Know: We get nuts like groundnuts and cashew nuts from plants.

But with deforestation, humans are destroying the thrift which they receive from plants as mentioned above. Due to this:

· Global Warming

· Floods due to Soil Erosion and

· Disturbance in the Food Chain are some of the detrimental effects of deforestation. Not only deforestation, but many other factors like growing population, industrialization, and urbanisation negatively affect declining forests. For Example:- Industrialisation plummeted Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.

Over the years, the area under forest cover has decreased steadily, as forests have been cleared for agriculture, industry, housing and other developmental activities like the construction of roads, railways, dams and hydroelectric plants. Since the beginning of civilization, people have been clearing land for agriculture to fulfil the food needs of the ever-growing population.


AFFORESTATION is the practice of planting trees. We shall take a pledge that for every tree we cut, we shall plant 20 more trees. Various measures have been taken by the world to conserve trees and their importance. Some well-known movements such as:

a) Chipko Movement in 1974

b) Jungle Bachao Andolan in the early 1980s

c) Casey Trees in 2002

d) Green Belt Movement in 1977

e) Million Trees Project in 1998

Festivals are also celebrated to mark the importance of flora and fauna in human life just like:

a. Van Mahotsav in the 1st week of July

b. World Forest Day on 21st March

c. World Wildlife Day is celebrated on 3rd March to preserve the importance of trees.

Forest land is also being used to make industries, dams, recreational activities, houses, etc. People living in and around forests obtain fuelwood from forests. As long as the forests could meet the demand and yet remain healthy. But the increasing population has severely depleted the forest.

Chipko Movement

Jungle bachao (Save jungle)

Green belt movement

In the end, I’ll like to conclude by saying:

“A Healthy Planet with Healthy Air

Earth is the only one here.

And about its Maintenance, who’ll care

We are her children, we’re here.

And If we don’t care

Then the pollution will be everywhere”

-Ansh Sharma and Arnav Sharma, SMSJP

By- Arnav Sharma, SMSJP

By- Shivansh Shah Chawla, DLDAVPP

Endangered Oceans Seek Protection

“An ocean breeze puts a mind at peace”

-Ali Gordon

Those beautiful, Calming and tempestuous turquoise waves of huge water bodies- do you know how it all started?

“In the initial times of Earth, when it was an extremely hot ball of gas and fluid, not a drop- or even a molecule of water existed on Earth. It was later after a volcanic eruption, from which water showed its partial presence in the form of vapours, which condensed and precipitated in the form of water. This rain is estimated to have lasted for millions of years, by which Earth cooled down and aroused water bodies- one of them was oceanic water bodies.” -According to some scientists.

As apes originated (from Africa), they ) were frightened of natural elements, like water, air, fire and lightning. Prehistoric men preferred living near coasts so that they could have plenty of resources of water. As the human mind developed, we started exploiting our natural resource: the oceans. We are continuously discharging domestic and factory waste to water bodies, which end up in the oceans. Pollutants like chemicals, trash, parasites and bacteria are deteriorating marine life. Because of Industrial waste, oceans are being acidic and because of it, underwater ecosystems are being damaged, followed by the extinction of numerous species. Oceans have to be preserved, in order to save our future.

-Anushka Singh, SMSJP

Made By Shivansh Shah Chawla, DLDAVPP