Egyptian Civilization

Egyptian Civilization

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest and most powerful civilisations in all history. It lasted over 3000 years, from about 3100 BC to 30 BC


The population of ancient Egypt was made up of these several tribes of people. The majority of ancient Egyptians worked as labourers, farmers, artisans, and scribes. Nobles were a small group of people. Ancient Egyptians built houses with mud and bricks in villages and across the country. They farmed part of their period food and traded for the food and things they couldn't produce in the settlements.




(2686–2181 BC)

During the Old Kingdom, major developments in architecture, art, and technology were produced, propelled by rising agricultural output and population, which was made feasible by a well-developed central administration. The Giza pyramids and the Great Sphinx, two of ancient Egypt's finest achievements, were built under the Old Kingdom.


KINGDOM (2134–1690 BC)

The Middle Kingdom's kings restored the country's stability and prosperity, resulting in a revival of art, literature, and enormous construction projects. With great agricultural and mineral wealth at their disposal, the monarchs were able to secure the country militarily and politically, allowing the nation's population, arts, and religion to grow.


KINGDOM (1520–1075 BC)

The "New Kingdom" is a timeframe during the historical backdrop of Ancient Egypt. The New Kingdom was the brilliant age of the progress of Ancient Egypt. It was a period of abundance, thriving, and power. The New Kingdom's pharaohs utilised their wealth to construct enormous temples for the gods. The Valley of the Kings is one of the most well-known New Kingdom archaeological sites.



Painting and sculpting in Ancient Egypt achieved a high level of sophistication and was both highly stylized and symbolic. tombs, temples, and statues largely exhibit the distinctive Egyptian two-dimensional design. In tombs, vivid scenes of ordinary life are commonly portrayed, bringing this ancient civilization to life. Richly painted walls with depictions of people, birds, water pools, deities, and geometric designs graced the wealthy's residences.


The richness of Egyptian thought and the vivid creativity demonstrated in the development of gods and goddesses' ideas and pictures is incomparable. They believed in immortality which shaped their perspective of death. Every Egyptian community had its divinity, which took the form of a material fetish or a god shaped like an animal, such as a cat-goddess, cobra-goddess, ibis-god, or jackal-god. the pharaoh, or ruler, who was considered divine and acted as a mediator between the people and the gods. The pharaoh, or ruler, who was considered divine, acted as a mediator between the people and the gods. His job was to keep the gods happy so that they could maintain the universe in order.