Early Civilizations

Video made by Simranjeet Kaur, DLDAVPP

Key Elements of Democracy

They are basic characteristic of any civilisation.

~ By Shreyas Mothsra, SMS-JP

Civilization= Civilize+ation= the progress of any society or the civilizing of any settlement.

The English word Civilization comes from the French word “civilisé “and From Latincivilis’ meaning civilized or civil.

The simplest definition of "civilization" is "a society made up of cities." It comprises strong socio-cultural, religious, advanced writing, political stability, technological progress, trade, art, and so forth.

Civilization is a wide term that comprises several things such as:

    • The comforts of the city life.

    • The evolution of trade and commerce.

    • Communicating techniques including the art of writing.

    • A good management of the city.

    • A system of government.

After the Neolithic Age, farming, transportation with wheels and the use of metals became popular. This led to the progress of man and it was the start of the first Civilisations.

Some great ancient Civilisations flourished during the world some 5,000 years ago:-

a) The Indus Valley or The Harappan Civilization on the banks of the river Indus (India)

b) The Mesopotamian Civilization on the banks of the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers (West Asia)

c) The Chinese Civilization in the valley of the Hwang Ho and Yangtze rivers (East Asia)

d) The Greek Civilisation on cost of the Mediterranean sea

e) The Roman Civilisation on the bank of Tiber river

f) The Egyptian Civilization on the banks of the longest river of the world, the Nile (Africa)

You must be wondering why these civilizations originated in the river valleys. Let me share some facts before you:-

1) For growing fruits, vegetables and cereal crops, the river water was used.

2) Early man also ate fishes and some water birds to satisfy his hunger.

3) A good pastoral land nearby was used for animals to graze on.

4) The valleys had a warm and pleasant climate which was suitable for early man. The cold wasn’t severe.

5) The rivers provided means of communication and transport. There were no long or good roads to connect the ancient towns.

~ Arnav Sharma,SMS-JP

Posters created by Uditi, Mannat Arora and Simranjeet Kaur, DLDAVPP


Write-up by Arnav Sharma, SMS-JP and Uditi and Mannat Arora, DLDAVPP

Image credit- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/indus-civilisation-did-not-develop-around-flowing-river-scientists/articleshow/61851063.cms

Page Designed by Shreyas Mothsra, SMS-JP and Shivansh Shah Chawla, DLDAVPP