Ocean Pollution

"How does plastic pollution affect the aquatic life?"

Plastic is extremely harmful to aquatic animals as plastic contains toxic chemicals, which can increase the chance of diseases. When plastic waste is ingested by the animals, their digestive tracts get blocked and as a result, they starve. Each year, the fishes in the North Pacific ingest around 12,000 to 24,000 tons of plastic, which can cause intestinal injury and can even lead to their death. Fishes, seabirds, sea turtles, and aquatic mammals can become entangled in or ingest plastic debris, causing suffocation. Plastic kills the aquatic animals, destroys their habitats and even affects animals' mating rituals, which can have devastating consequences and can lead to the extinction of these species . Plastic pollution can lead to entanglement, ingestion, starvation and the buildup of persistent organic pollutants like PCBs and DDT. Aquatic species ingest or are entangled by plastic debris, which causes severe injuries and death. Plastic pollution threatens food safety and quality, human health, coastal tourism, and contributes to climate change. Marine plastic pollution has impacted around 260 species worldwide.

-By Kashvi Suri (SMSMB)


Earth is our home and oceans are one of the many gifts nature has bestowed upon us. But unfortunately, we humans have ruined the beautiful gifts we have received. Ocean pollution is one of the most dangerous threat mankind is facing. This happens when a mixture of plastics, industrial wastes, sewage and chemicals get mixed in ocean water. More than ten thousand ton plastic is thrown into the oceans every year. It affects not only the marine life and its environment, but also mankind. If humans are exposed to this type of garbage, the results can be drastic. Have you heard of 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch'? It is like an island made of garbage. I believe if we all come together and look for a solution, we can surely solve this problem. So, let’s join our hands together and make a difference.

-By Tanishka Manoj (SMSMB)

-By Manvi Thapliyal (SMSMB)

-By Kritika Kanojia (SMSMB)

2About Ocean Pollution And How To Stop It

About Ocean Pollution And How To Stop It

by Laine Berkowitz, Papillon Academe USA

-By Saksham Gupta (SMSMB)

-By Kritika Kanojia (SMSMB)

Effects of Ocean Pollution

The pollutants present in the ocean someway or the other have an effect not only on marine life but also on humans. Every day toxic substances are entering our resourceful oceans. These substances either have been dumped by industrialized societies or via rivers, lakes, or seas into oceans. Mercury, lead, pesticides, and other heavy metals contaminate the water supply and disrupt our food chain by affecting marine life. 30% of carbon dioxide is absorbed by the oceans which pollutes it. This can give rise to water-borne diseases such as Typhoid, Malaria, Cholera, etc. Most of the marine wildlife die due to starvation, also because of the marine debris present in their stomachs. The Pacific Ocean’s ‘garbage patch’ is a very good example of the situation of oceans explained above. This garbage patch has around three million tons of waste material covering an area of 1.6 million square kilometers.
-By Aditya Jhamb (SMSMB)


There are some ways we can prevent ocean pollution:

1 We shouldn't use plastic and avoid it as much as we can.

2 You can plan some debate or extempore competitions with friends on these topics.

3 You should use dustbins instead of throwing trash in oceans.

4 You can take part in many organizations and help save our oceans.

5 There are many people with talents in then, but it's not that you aren't one of them! Show your talent and go creative by recycling the waste. You can invent anything!!


There are many children showing their talent and becoming famous!

You too can be one of them by taking help of no one except YOU AND YOUR TALENT!!

Show your talent to the world, make videos and upload it on social media.

Spread the news of saving oceans!

Try to make your own quotes on these topics and share with people in contact with you so that they get to know about these things.

Take out small rallies with your friends on your colony!

Be prepared with beautiful and colorful posters in hand to motivate others.

Working on these topics like ' SAVING OCEANS' AND ' PREVENTION ON OCEAN POLLUTION' is more than a bit but a lot!

Taking just a little step ahead is always more.

Though, there are some people who think it's nonsense but never get demotivated and ignore them, AS HUMANITY IS STILL ALIVE!!


-By Kritika Kanojia (SMSMB)

Effect of Ocean Pollution On Marine Life

Today, marine life is facing constant threats and dangers and is slowly dying. Some of the threats include oil spills, global warming, overfishing, plastic pollution, noise pollution, ocean dumping and many others. Many marine animals like whales, seals, walruses, dolphins and penguins are affected by ocean pollution. Fish, seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals are entangled in plastic or ingest ocean garbage, causing suffocation, drowning and starvation. Pollutants in the ocean make their way back to humans. Small toxic organisms can be eaten by larger predators, many of which are seafood that we eat. The toxins get into human tissues and can lead to health condition or even cancer.

When oil accidentally spills into the ocean, it can cause big problems. Oil spills can harm sea creatures, ruin a day at the beach, and make seafood unsafe to eat.

You can help the ocean by spreading these slogans:

  1. Think Blue and Go Green. Stop Marine Pollution.

  2. Save the Sea to See the Future.

  3. Ride the tide, take a green side.

  4. Protect our oceans to protect our future.

It is our duty to take care of this beautiful present nature has given us and I believe if we all join our hands and come together we can make a difference.

-By Tanishka Manoj (SMSMB)

-By Piyush Panchal (SMSMB)

-By Manvi Thapliyal (SMSMB)

-By Charvi Gupta (SMSMB)

-Bhavya Gupta (SMSMB)

-By Jahnwee Thapliyal (SMSMB)

-By Nikunj Soni (SMSMB)

-By Kaashvi Chawla (SMSMB)

-By Charvi Gupta (SMSMB)

-By Saksham Gupta (SMSMB)

-By Dishita Kaushik (SMSMB)

-By Janhwee Thapliyal (SMSMB)

-By Manvi Thapliyal (SMSMB)

2021-11-17 18-46-56.mp4

-Nikunj Soni (SMSMB)

A short video on Ocean Pollution

Quizlet on Ocean Pollution

Oil spills...what causes them and what do they do to ocean life?

Click on the image to attempt the quiz.


-By Charvi Gupta (SMSMB)