In the Big Ocean!

Almost three-quarters of our planet is covered by water---rivers, lakes and mostly seas and oceans. It was in the seas and oceans that the first life forms appeared on Earth, about three and a half billion years ago. The ocean gives us food to eat. It also gives us minerals, oils, and even sparkling jewels to wear. When the salt is taken out of ocean water, by a special process, we can get drinking water too. We must learn to protect the ocean from pollution, for the ocean is very precious. It is a treasure chest full of riches!
-By Charvi Gupta (SMSMB)

Does Coral Live?

The rocky parts of the ocean floor are richer in life than the sandy parts.. Coral polyps live in colorful coral "castles," which cling to the rocks. Sponges live among the rocks and coral, too. The nooks and crannies in between are home to fish and other amazing sea animals!

Also see this amazing picture telling about some of the corals and picture related to the article.
-By Charvi Gupta (SMSMB)


-By Charvi Gupta (SMSMB)

Time Is Now!.pptx

-By Janhwee Thapliyal (SMSMB)


Recording of meeting with the Marine Biologist - Dr. Gorson


Peyton's Trip to Hawaii

Exploring Ocean Life

Peyton (USA)

Devon's Trip to Epcot

Ocean Life at Disney by Devon (USA)

We participated in a field trip to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago to learn more about the oceans and the animals that call it home. We got to see many ocean animals up close and personal as well as a 4D experience on the octopus.


Field Trip to Shedd Aquarium

Unravelling the mysteries of our Oceans by visiting Shedd's aquarium (USA)

by Laine and Calla (USA)

Shark Finning - A Threat to Sharks All Over the World

Shark Finning is a global issue that started in the early 80s.

It is a really lucrative business due to the high demands for Shark Fins.

During this act ,fishermen extract the fins of the shark and often discard the defined shark over-board. Mostly the shark is still alive. Without its fins, it loses its ability to swim, due to this, it cannot force oxygen through it gills and it drowns.

Only 2% of the shark is extracted during this process.

This inhumane act is done to satisfy the need of fins for the Shark Fin Soup, even when Shark Fin has no flavor. The soup is flavored using pork or chicken. The fin is just there for its texture and absorbance.

It is estimated that sharks could go the way of the Dodo Bird in just next 10 years if the same scale of Finning continues.

Scientists believe The Great White Shark is closer to extinction than The Tiger with only a minimal number of 3,500 individuals left.

A bowl of Shark Fin Soup can sell for just $100, which cannot account for the life of the shark.

Global Shark Population has decreased by 90% since 1950.
-By Jahnwee Thapliyal (SMSMB)


Sharks are responsible for average ten fatalities every year and nearly 100 million sharks are killed by us just for Shark Fin Soup.
90% of the Shark is not even utilized as only fins are required.

-By Jahnwee Thapliyal (SMSMB)

Why is Jellyfish immortal? - Mystery

A jellyfish is a transparent organism with tentacles that comes to mind when we think about it. Jellyfish begin their existence as larvae, little cigar-shaped animals that scurry through the water in search of a rock or something to attach themselves to. The larva transforms into a polyp, which looks like a little sea anemone, once it is firmly in place. As the polyp clones itself, colonies of these polyps form, which means a colony can cover a whole boat dock in a matter of days. Some polyps grow into massive shrub-like plants. When the conditions are correct, these polyps bloom in large numbers, and the juvenile jellyfish that emerge from the polyp are the result of the bloom.

If the beginning of a jellyfish's existence wasn't thrilling enough, the end is much more thrilling. When the everlasting jellyfish medusa (Turritopsis dohrnii) dies, it descends to the ocean floor and decays. It’s cells then reaggregate, but not into a new medusa, but into polyps, from which new jellyfish emerge. The jellyfish has returned to an earlier stage of life to start over. This regeneration process has already been discovered in five different jellyfish species.

Cellular transdifferentiating is a term used to describe what happens to the jellyfish throughout this phase. Its cells switch from one type to another, resulting in a whole new body layout. Although immortal jellyfish are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean Sea, they are now found in oceans all over the world.
-By Bhavya Gupta (SMSMB)

The Blue Whales

What are blue whales?

Blue whales are the foremost important animals ever to live on our planet.

How many blue whales exist today?

Sadly, there are only about 10,000 to 25,000 blue whales left within the world. Even though it appears to be an enormous number ,it's extremely low.

Why are Blue whales going extinct?

The blue whale is endangered as the size of its population has decreased by 98%. Whales were almost hunted to extinction within the 1900s, but blue whale population can make a comeback since their aggressive hunting ended by the world agreement in 1966.

Do Blue whales have predators?

The killer whale is the only predator of the blue whale but only a few population of this species incorporate whales in their diets.

How do blue whales protect themselves?

Whales protect their young ones similarly to how they'd protect themselves. They do this by traveling in pods. By travelling in a large group, whales make it harder for sharks or orcas to specialize in a specific member. If they feel threatened, they form a circle with their head facing inward, their tail facing out.
-By Sarah Malik (SMSMB)