Ocean Art and Fashion

Water Walkers

-By Calla (USA)

Oceans poem

-By Laine (USA)


The ocean is full of pollution

Dolphins dying galore

What’s the solution?

I implore

Recycle your trash

It’ll make such a splash

Reuse your clothes

It won’t be so hard, I suppose

Try turning off the lights, and the water too

It’ll be such a breakthrough

Help the ocean

It’s helped you before

Don’t you remember playing on its shore?

You’ve drunk its water

You’ve eaten its fish

Don’t you want to help the sea otters?

Take action

It’s not enough to make a wish

Fast Fashion to Ocean Pollution

Fast Fashion to Ocean Pollution
Presentation created by Calla and Laine (USA)

Clothes account for up to 80% of all textiles entering our oceans each year. Not only do these items pollute the waterways and ocean, but they also affect the lives of marine life. People have found entangled sea life with plastic from fast-fashion clothing, threatening their overall health and life expectancy.

Enjoy our LOOK at this problem and how it is creating pollution in our oceans.

Fast Fashion to Water Pollution in India

Follow the route from field to factory to stores and the ways it pollutes our water.


Over production to Over consumption...

H&M and Zara

Chile’s Atacama Desert: Where Fast Fashion Goes to Die

Unsold clothing (59,000 tons that can't be sold in the USA or Europe) are dumped every year in the Atacama Desert of Chile. These are casualties and unpurchased lines of clothes, the garments are usually filled with toxins and dyes and are not biodegradable.


The Environmental Disaster that is Fueled by Used Clothes and Fast Fashion

The dark side of the world's fashion addiction.

By creating a false demand for fresh looks, fast fashion is hurting the environment and our oceans!

Blue Tin Chicago

Reducing the need for fast fashion in Chicago; a local approach to creating fashion.


Behind the Scenes: The True Cost of fashion

Students in the USA watched the documentary: The True Cost of Fashion. This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world.
