Need to see a counselor?

6th Grade School Counselor: Sherri Ransbottom

7th Grade School Counselor: Katie Bailey

8th Grade School Counselor: Marci Silver

School Counselor and On-Track Coordinator: Julie Moody

Mental Health School Based Counselor: Maggie Shields

Would you like to see your school counselor?

Please complete this form if you would like to speak with your grade level school counselor. Your counselor will come see you as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that this may not be as soon as you fill out the request form as counselors are often with other students or in a classroom or meeting.

If this is a TRUE EMERGENCY, please speak with your teacher, administrator, or other adult immediately.  An EMERGENCY is when you are worried about the safety of yourself or someone else. 

If this is NOT a true emergency, please wait for a school counselor to come see you.