Bullying / Harassment

Bully - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

All students have the right to feel safe and learn at school. Cyprus High School is committed to preserving these rights of our students and will not tolerate bullying in any form.  

Bullying Definition: 

Bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, harassment, and other similar conduct are also prohibited. Generally, this type of conduct includes an intent to cause distress or harm; involves a relationship where there is an imbalance of power or strength; and includes repeated acts (or one big act) of violence, intimidation, humiliation, or social isolation. Bullying, harassment, and other similar conduct can be physical, verbal, or written. It can come in the form of social pressure, criticism, or disrespectful treatment. It can also look like intentionally excluding others from an activity. It may be used as retaliation against another person, which is also prohibited. This type of conduct may be obvious, or it may be subtle, and it can include convincing another person to commit the prohibited actions or even agree to be the victim of the treatment. Bullying and other similar types of conduct can also be considered discrimination if the conduct is based on a person’s race, gender, or some other protected classification.  

Bullying includes three prongs:

Sexual Harassment:

Student Handbook Language for Bullying Etc.pdf