Athletics / Organizations & Clubs

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Athletics, School Sponsored Organizations, and Clubs

Cyprus is home to many extracurricular experiences (sports, programs, and clubs) that can enrich our student's high school experience.  We encourage students to become familiar with what activities, organizations, and programs that we offer here at Cyprus.

Students who represent Cyprus High School in any manner as a member of these programs, will be held to a higher level of accountability for their school and personal presence.  This applies to any student involved in any school sponsored athletic team, organization, or club.  This also includes any adults or friends that associate with students of said school sponsored groups; though they are not directly involved, their actions impact the schools reputation just as much.  Students in violation of any handbook rule is subject to termination from activity and group membership.  The deadline to form new school sponsored groups is October 15th.  

Students wishing to create a new school club should refer to Mr. Moore at 

Club Applications: 

Click Below (All Applications are due by Oct. 15th)

Curricular Club Application

Non Curricular Club Application

2022-23 Athletics & Clubs
2022-23 Clubs