Setting Up Your Environment for Distance Learning

10 Tips to Organize for Distance Learning

  1. Check Your Email, and the Distance Learning Site

    • Communication will be coming regularly about Distance Learning. Check your email frequently for updates, and come to this site to ensure that you are up to date on the status of Granby's Distance Learning.

  2. Limit the use of personal devices:

    • Consider limiting your children's cell phones and and personal devices until schoolwork is completed. Games, applications and messaging features re fun but can be distracting.

  3. Make a dedicated classroom space for learning:

    • Children will work best in a quiet, comfortable and dedicated learning space. Ideally, this should be a place that is not typically used for games or television.

  4. Observations and Check Ins:

    • You can help by monitoring your children's level of interest and engagement, as they adapt to their new schedule and materials. You can do this by observing their screen or your children themselves. Check to see that they are taking notes, moving their eyes along the page, and prompt them with questions once they have finished with their lesson.

  5. Digital Recess:

    • Take plenty of breaks in order for children to get physical activity and time away from screens. Encourage fresh air in a responsible manner, or have a snack break.

  6. Create a Consistent Schedule:

    • Create and maintain a consistent schedule when your children should be engaging in their distance learning. Make sure to coordinate that schedule in a way that works best for your whole family, to your resources at home, and your ability to support them.

  7. Know you're not alone:

    • Check in with other parents to see what they've found that is effective. Share concerns and useful hints. This is a great time to join a blog or support network through social media for parents.

  8. This isn't Vacation

    • Even thought it may feel like vacation, remind your children that this is still school. Assignments, grades, requirements and tests won't go away despite moving online.

  9. Don't forget to read

    • Studies consistently show that the best way for kids to improve reading skills is to simply read some more! If you do not have a large library of options, check out the Granby Public Library, and other options like OverDrive or Libby.

  10. Give us Feedback

    • This is new for us, just as it is new for students and parents. Please give us feedback on how Distance Learning is going in your household, so that we can continue to adjust and improve this experience for your children and all of the children and families of Granby Public Schools.