Granby Public Schools

Distance Learning for Parents

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can I contact for questions about Distance Learning activities?

Please contact your student’s grade level/content area teacher for questions about shared learning activities. Teachers will be available by email during regular school hours.

2. Who can I contact if I need technology support?

For technology support with school-provided devices, please contact techsupport@granby.k12.ct.us

3. How do I log in?

Please refer to the Granby Public Schools Distance Learning Website for Parents. https://sites.google.com/granbyschools.org/gpsdistancelearning/home. This information can also be found in the main menu of our district website located at www.granby.k12.ct.us under “Quick Links” / “Distance Learning”. If students have access problems, please contact techsupport@granby.k12.ct.us.

4. How should I prepare the home environment for school?

  • Please determine a space in your home that will be dedicated to completing each day’s learning activities.

  • Be prepared to access the school-provided iPad (PreK-2) or Chromebooks (3-12). If there is another device available at home, be sure that your student can access the same programs that he or she can access at school.

  • If you do not have Internet access at home, please inform your school’s principal, teacher, or counselor.

  • Please allow time for students to take breaks and move around throughout their daily learning time. Learning can take place throughout the day in small segments.

5. Will students’ work be assessed during this time?

Curricular based assessments will be administered as part of the instructional process.

6. How much time should I expect my student to engage in each distance learning day?

  • K-5: Each distance learning day has been designed to last between 160 and 200 minutes. Families can arrange the time in the way that best fits their student’s needs each day. It is not necessary to complete the activities listed in order. However, it is important that students complete all activities for the day.

  • 6-12: Students are expected to login to the online learning platform as they would for a typically scheduled school day; students will follow their schedule from home. Students should expect approximately 30 minutes of learning per lesson per day, with some college level classes (AP, ECE) including a bit more.

7. How are we providing Intervention Services (Special Ed. and Literacy) and support services (ELL)?

Teachers will be in contact with parents regarding specific supports for their students.

  • K-5: Aligned services and learning activities are provided within each daily plan by grade and content. Special Education teachers are contacting students individually with lesson accommodations and instructional programming, as needed.

  • 6-12: Grades 6-12 services will be provided by the appropriate teacher or specialist based on the specific courses and identified supports students are being provided with during the regular school day.

8. Are students expected to turn in assignments while learning from home?

Students will be receiving guidance from their teachers regarding what and when school work completed at home should be submitted.