Granby Memorial High School

Message from the Principal

Message to Families and Students re: Distance Learning - March 20, 2020

Dear GMHS Students and Families,

On behalf of the entire GMHS staff, I hope this message finds each of you well. Having met virtually several times with our staff, I know we all very much miss our Granby Bears!

As promised Tuesday, included below is further information regarding our plans to conduct distance learning starting this coming Monday, March 23, 2020. This week our entire school staff has been collaborating remotely to develop plans and resources, and I want to take this opportunity to thank them for all of their hard work, creativity and care. I also want to thank each of you in advance for your cooperation and communication as we collaborate to support our learners during what will be a new learning experience for all of us. Please note the following:

Distance Learning: will be conducted “asynchronously” (lessons, assignments and resources posted through Google Classroom for students to access on their schedules), rather than “live” (all students present at the same time with the teacher). Students should expect approximately 30 minutes of learning per lesson per day, with some college level classes (AP, ECE) including a bit more. For the most part, teachers will be utilizing Google Classroom, and will be following standards- aligned curriculum. Teachers will be posting/communicating lessons no later than 8:00 a.m. for work to be done that day or due the next. Some assignments that take longer may be posted weekly.

Resources and Frequently Asked Questions: The district will be sending out a FAQ Document and is providing access to resources for students and families on our district website at the following link, which will be continually developed: Granby Public Schools Distance Learning. Tips for how to support your students include helping provide consistent structure, limiting additional screen time, building in fresh-air and exercise, and staying positive!

Student Expectations: As is the case normally, students are expected to complete the work assigned to them by the due date. Should questions or issues arise, students should email or use Google Classroom to contact their teachers, and students should be checking their own emails and Google Classrooms regularly. Teachers will be assessing work and updating grades regularly in PowerSchool.

Special Education Plans: As Ms. Martin indicated in her letter to families of students with IEPs and 504 plans, special education and regular education teachers will continue to collaborate with regards to accommodations and modifications.

School Calendar: Due to this week’s closure, the 3rd quarter will now close on Friday April 3, 2020 and 4th quarter will begin on Monday April 6, 2020. Our last day of school is still June 16th.

State Testing: Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona joined Governor Ned Lamont yesterday to announce the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) will be pursuing a federal waiver from the U.S. Department of Education (U.S. DOE) to suspend all state-mandated student assessments for all grades and subjects, as well as district/school accountability measures, for the 2019-20 school year. CSDE is working closely with The College Board to determine the best course of action to take in regard to the administration of the CTSAT since the test plays an important role in high school students’ college acceptance, placement, and entrance.​ Students in AP classes should be receiving information separately about changes affecting testing procedures.

School Access and Phones: Please keep in mind that per the direction of Governor Lamont, the school building itself is closed, and only essential personnel may access it. Please do not call the school, but if you have to contact us, use email instead.

Technology: If your student has a specific concern about Chromebooks or online accessibility, please email your student’s administrator (Mrs. Groene for grades 10 and 12 at or Dr. Calcasola for grades 9 and 11 Students are reminded that use of technology is guided by the district’s acceptable use policy (Granby BOE Policy 5131.81) and to demonstrate our Core Values as well as good judgment while using devices for digital learning.

Communication: Teachers will be communicating through Google Classroom and email, and I will also continue to communicate both through e-blast as well as daily through our GMHS Live Feed.

This may well be messy, just like Spring, but together we can make it bloom. Although we’d very much prefer to be with our students in person, this adventure in digital learning can also help prepare our students for other online working environments now commonplace in many academic and work settings. Thank you once again for your continued teamwork in helping support our students in this transition, and for your patience as we work together to problem-solve and provide the caring instruction our students deserve, even beyond our walls.

With hopes that the start of Spring helps bring nothing but warmth and wellness to each of you, until we can close the distance between us!


For the GMHS Live Feed Click Here

Student Guidance for Live Video Discussions: Click Here


All teachers will be posting their assignments to Google Classroom daily. Go to to view and respond to these lessons and activities. Our expectation is that students are able to respond by the posted due dates for each assignment.

Please Note:

Children are not expected to be using technology for hours at a time. Similar to when they are at school, students will be completing a variety of assignments both online and offline.


All students in grade 9-12 should use their school issued chromebook to help facilitate Distance Learning. Students' accounts will be used for accessing Google for Education tools like Google Classroom, the Calendar, and Google Drive. It is recommended that students charge their chromebooks daily, and shut them down when not in use. This will ensure that the devices receive the appropriate updates when those updates become available.