Chromebook Care

Instructions for Cleaning Chromebooks

IMPORTANT: After using shared devices such as computers, laptops, chromebooks, iPads, tablets, and phones wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Recommended steps to clean and disinfect electronic devices:

  1. Completely power down the device and unplug the power cord.

  2. Disconnect any cables or peripherals that may be plugged into the device.

  3. Use a disinfectant wipe or apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol solution to a cloth and completely wipe down the device including around each key of the keyboard. For the screen, you may want to use disinfectant wipes specifically designed for LCD and laptop screens. Use a small amount of pressure to remove any fingerprints or smudges on the screen, but not too much since this could damage the display.

  4. After everything is dry, use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the screen to remove any haze that might be lingering on the display from the disinfecting process.

Acceptable Use Policy

Please review the Granby Board of Education’s policy on the acceptable use of technology in school. This document is discussed with students at the beginning of every school year.

Click Here for the Use of Private Technology Devices by Students Policy