Semester 23/24-1

我们怀着满腔热血 ,为2023/2024学年第一学期呈现了一系列令人振奋且精彩的活动!在工大华文班,我们充满激情地致力于传承和推广中华文化,旨在让处员拥有充实丰富的体验

We're thrilled to present an exciting lineup of activities and events for the year 2023/2024 Semester 1! At UTM Mandarin Club, we're passionate about preserving and promoting Chinese culture, and our goal is to provide engaging and enriching experiences for all our members. 

开柜台 Mandarin Class Registration 


From the 8th of October to the 12th of October 2023, UTM Mandarin Club opened the Mandarin Class Registration for session 2023/2024-1 to the UTM students and staff who are interested in learning Chinese to sign up. The five-day registration event proceeded as scheduled and successfully attracted more than 100 students. Hello, dear students! Welcome to the UTM Mandarin Class. We hope that in your learning journey, you will discover the wonders of the Chinese language, engage in mutual exchange, and form meaningful friendships. Wishing you all a delightful learning experience.

Registration booth at PSZ

Students queue up for registration


在2023年10月13日至15日的UTM UNBOCS嘉年华中,工大华文班也在内设有展摊。通过这次的嘉年华,让更多工大生了解了我们的社团,同时也吸引了更多对学习中文充满兴趣的同学们报名参加华文班。这次的UNBOCS宣传非常顺利。在此,感谢各位理事的付出。工大华文班热烈欢迎大家的加入!

UTM Mandarin Club had set a booth in UTM UNBOCS Carnival during 13th to 15th October 2023.Through this carnival, more UTM students got to know our club, and it attracted numerous students interested in learning Chinese to sign up for the Mandarin Class. The UNBOCS carnival went smoothly, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all the committees for their dedication. UTM Mandarin Club warmly welcomes everyone to join us!

unbocs final (1).mp4

UNBOCS propaganda film 

新鲜人  UTM Freshman


On October 28, 2023, UTM Mandarin Club participated in the UTM Freshman. We took this opportunity to convey the spirit of UTM Mandarin Club to the new Year 1 students, emphasizing our mission: 'Preserving the Cultural Lifeline, Continuing the Mission of Education. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all the committees for their diligent preparation and efforts. It is because of the hard work and dedication that activities were carried out smoothly. May UTM Mandarin Club shine brightly in the days ahead, bringing the charm of culture to more people and adding a vibrant touch to our campus.

Rehersal Day.mp4

介绍会《聚·Introduction Day 'Gathering at Dawn'  


On October 29, 2023, UTM Mandarin Club held an Introduction Day entitled 'Gathering at Dawn'. During this activity, we introduced the structure of UTM Mandarin Club to the participants comprehensively. This included the roles and responsibilities of administrative, research and development, academic management, and multimedia departments. All participants who are interested in joining UTM Mandarin Club also pafticipated in the interviews of the preferred department. Congratulations to the newly recruited department members. UTM Mandarin Club welcomes you!


Video review of department interviews

小型培训营之《聚·Tutor Training Camp 'Gathering of Intention' 

2023年10月31日,工大华文班小型培训营之《聚·意》圆满结束。这次的培训营不仅让各处处员明确了解各自的职责和任务,还促使了处长们与新旧处员们之间的了解与交流。感谢每一位参加培训营的处员们,是你们的热情与积极让整个活动充满了活力与正能量。同时,我们也要特别感谢各位理事以及各处处长们的耐心培训与指导,正是因为你们的付出让处员们受益良多。华文班,有美女,有惊喜,还有你,我们欢迎你! 在此,工大华文班的所有理事欢迎各位处员的加入。在未来的日子里,让我们继续努力,共同创造更加美好的社团未来!再次感谢大家的支持和参与!

On October 31, 2023, UTM Mandarin Club held a Tutor, 'Gathering of Intention,' successfully. This training camp not only provided a clear understanding of responsibilities and tasks for each department member but also fostered mutual understanding and communication between department chiefs and members. We extend our gratitude to every department member who participated in the training camp. It was your enthusiasm and positivity that filled the entire event with vitality. Moreover, we want to give special thanks to the board members and department chiefs for their patient training and guidance. Your dedication greatly benefited the department members. Hereby, all board members of the UTM Mandarin Club extend a warm welcome to the new department members. Let's continue to work hard in the days ahead, creating a better future for our club together! Once again, thank you all for your support and participation. 


Video Review

开幕典礼  Opening Ceremony

新学期,新开始。工大华文班在迎来新一批学员后,我们于2023年11月2日为学员们举办了象征学海旅程拉开序幕的开幕典礼。典礼主题为 《学海无涯,唯勤是岸》,寓意着学习是一个没有边界的海洋,唯有勤奋才是靠岸的方法。望学员们能够坚持不懈的努力,不断学习,从而取得辉煌的成就。于此同时,我们衷心感谢 Encik Mohd Fauzi bin Abdul Rais 和 Prof. Madya Dr Yeak Su Hoe 抽空出席,为我们华文班剪彩,为典礼增添了崭新的色彩。同时,我们也要感谢轻舞飞扬与工大扯铃社的表演者们为我们的典礼带来了精彩纷呈的演出。典礼的成功离不开大家共同的努力。在此,我们要特别感谢各位理事和处员们的帮助的辛勤付出。当然,我们也感激各位莅临典礼现场,希望在未来能够继续得到大家的支持。

The new semester brings a fresh beginning. After welcoming a new group of students, UTM Mandarin Club organized an opening ceremony on November 2, 2023, symbolizing the commencement of a new journey in the boundless sea of knowledge. The theme of the ceremony was "The Sea of Learning Has No Bounds, But Diligence Is The Only Way To Go Ashore," signifying that learning is an endless sea, and only through diligence can we reach the shores of success. We hope the students will persistently and tirelessly pursue their studies to achieve remarkable accomplishments. At the same time, we sincerely appreciate Encik Mohd Fauzi bin Abdul Rais and Prof. Madya Dr Yeak Su Hoe for gracing our opening ceremony with their presence and participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. We also express gratitude to the performers from the UTM Flying Dance Studio and UTM Diabola Club for their splendid performances during our ceremony. The success of the opening ceremony is the result of everyone's effort. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the UTM Mandarin Club committees and club members for their dedicated support. Of course, we are also thankful to everyone who attended the ceremony and hope to continue receiving your support in the future.


多媒体处 AI & ANIMAKER 工作坊     Workshop 1

工大华文班多媒体处于2023年11月10日主办了AI & ANIMAKER工作坊。本次的工作坊开放给理事和四处处员报名参加。在这次工作坊中,我们学习了如何运用AI制作精美海报和使用ANIMAKER剪辑影片的技巧!感谢大家抽空出席,希望这些新技能能带给大家更多的灵感,制作出更出色的电子海报和影片!

On November 10, 2023, the Multimedia Department of UTM Mandarin Club hosted an AI & ANIMAKER workshop. This workshop was open for registration to board members and department members from all departments. During this workshop, we learned techniques on how to utilize AI for creating stunning posters and using ANIMAKER for video editing! Thank you all for taking the time to attend, we hope these new skills bring inspiration and enable everyone to produce exceptional electronic posters and videos! 

WhatsApp Video 2023-12-16 at 00.00.27_ced9c2b3.mp4

Workshop 1 Video Review 

学员活动 《缔·》 Cultural Activity "Forging Bonds"




On December 12, 2023, UTM Mandarin Club organized a cultural activity with the theme of “Forging Bonds” successfully. It was all about how people and things are linked together by fate, chance, and how we talk to each other. This event was not just to provide a platform for KBM students to get to know about Chinese culture, but also strengthen the bonds between students and tutors. 

At this event, KBM students gathered together and had a wonderful time full of joy. The success of the event was because of the careful planning by each committee member and the enthusiastic participation of the students. We sincerely thank everyone who took part in making this event run smoothly. Your passion and efforts made it all happen!


The Committee of Cultural Activity


Ice breaking Session

1月6日 (3).mp4

Handicraft Session


Gaming Session

四处联谊《水与争锋》  Bonding Camp “Water and Challenges" 

2023年12月16日(星期六),我们共同迎来了以“水与争锋”为主题的四处联谊。在这次活动中,我们不仅仅是参与了一场游戏,更是踏上了一场冒险之旅。本次活动的口号“决战水晶之城,赌命拯救部落!” 传递着挑战与团结的信息;“信念与智慧,穿越迷局;团结一心,夺得水源宝藏。”则激发了我们智慧和团队合作的力量。此活动的目的是为了增进华文班各处处员们之间的感情,给予大家一个彼此交流认识的机会。


On December 16, 2023 (Saturday),  a bonding camp themed 'Water and Challenges' was held. For this event, we were not just engaged in a game but we also embarked on an adventure. The slogan 'Fight for the Crystal City, Risking Lives to Save the Tribe!' conveyed messages of challenge and unity. 'Belief and wisdom, navigating puzzles; united hearts, seizing the treasure of the water source,' inspired our wisdom and teamwork. This activity aimed to enhance the relationship among members from different departments in UTM Mandarin Club, providing an opportunity for mutual communication and understanding.

This event has successfully ended. We sincerely thank every committee for their thoughtful planning and the participation of members from various departments. This activity was not just our collective effort, it was a testimony of our friendship. Looking forward to more exciting activities in the future!
