
 Cultural Activities 

Cultural Activities KBM

UTM Mandarin Club provide the opportunity for our Mandarin Class students to equip themselves with another alternative language as well as develop its personality and academic credibility. Student activity lets non-Chinese experience one of the Chinese cultures as well as improves the relationship between students and tutors. 


KBM Cultural Activity - “Keep Flying”

On December 12, 2023, UTM Mandarin Club organized a cultural activity with the theme of “Forging Bonds” successfully. It was all about how people and things are linked together by fate, chance, and how we talk to each other. This event was not just to provide a platform for KBM students to get to know about Chinese culture, but also to strengthen the bonds between students and tutors. We sincerely thank everyone who took part in making this event run smoothly. Your passion and efforts made it all happen!


工大华文班之学员活动 《缔·

KBM Cultural Activity - “Forging Bonds

The theme for UTM KBM Cultural Activity for Semester 2022/2023-2 is “Keep Flying” which indicates the starting of the first step in  striving to soar in the vast realm of Chinese knowledge. It ended successfully on 25/5/2023 at L50. Some elements about the Dragon Boat Festival were included in the cultural activity as the festival is around the corner.Therefore,our Mandarin Class Student had the opportunity to explore more about Dragon Boat Festival’s culture through station games and origami rice dumpling session. UTM Mandarin Club appreciates everyone‘s attendance. Hope you enjoy the night and we are awaiting your next arrival.

工大华文班 2022/2023 第二学期学期学员活动的主题为“启飞”,这标志着在广阔的中国知识领域中努力翱翔的第一步开始了。本次的学员活动与于2023年5月25日在L50圆满结束。随着端午节的临近,一些关于端午节的元素被纳入在学员活动中。因此,我们工大华文班学生有机会通过跑站游戏和折纸粽子环节探索更多关于端午节的文化。工大华文班感谢大家的出席。希望您能享受这个夜晚,我们期待着您下一次的到来。


KBM Cultural activity - SeachFate

UTM Mandarin KBM Cultural activity, SeachFate had ended successfully at N24

Students have a golden opportunity to learn Chinese culture while playing the games prapared by our committees. UTM Mandarin Club really appreciate your passion in learning Mandarin. Thank you for your participation and hope you can join us again!!!


Students' activity - Chinese Zodiac”

UTM Mandarin Class Students' activity, Chinese Zodiac has ended successfully last Tuesday.

First of all, congratulations to all students who participated and showed your genuine interest in the Chinese culture. Your passion would have been a great aid in your Mandarin-learning journey. Besides, we would like to express our gratitude to all committees and members who contributed their efforts in making this event a success. We'll see you in the next event. Stay tuned! 

工大华文班学员活动《十二生肖》于早前星期二圆满落幕。首先,恭喜所有参与的学员。 你们对中华文化展现的热情与喜爱必将成为学习中文道路上的助力吧!与此同时,工大华文班仅此感谢参与的理事、教员与处员们。 你们的贡献让活动增添了圆满的光彩。

那么,我们下个活动见。 敬请期待! 


Students' activity - "The Night of Folktale"

On the 2nd of April 2019, UTM Mandarin Class had organised a students' activity entitled "The Night of Folktale" at L50. Students had actively participated this activity and were able to know more about Chinese Folktales through alternative ways instead of just learning in class. Once again, Thank you for your participation and we are glad to have you joining us again!! 


Students' activity - "Origami Universe"

On 13th November 2018, UTM Mandarin Class organised a students' activity entitled "Origami Universe" at L50. By joining this activity, students can know more about Chinese culture and art. Once again, thank you for your participation and we are glad to have you joining us again. 


"GameZ Night"


"Huállywood "


Song of Joy VS Voice of UTM