
Professional Tutor Camp

  • Provide an opportunity for all participants to interact with other tutors from different classes.

  • As a medium to improve the relationship between tutors and facilitators of UTM Mandarin Club.

  • Review the ways of teaching syllabus and lessons delivery to improve the quality of teaching in Mandarin Class.

  • Improve the knowledge of participants and facilitators of the program in terms of knowledge of language, literature and teaching techniques.

  • Promote the values such as creativity, innovation and leadership, cooperation spirit among all participants.

  • Provide a platform for self-improvement for UTM students who become facilitators and members of the program committee.

  • 为了提供一个平台让华文班会员互相认识,增进感情与默契。

  • 促进领导层与团员的关系。

  • 提升教员的教学技巧并交流与切磋。

  • 鼓励正面信息的传播。

  • 培养团队精神与默契,一起解决问题。

  • 让华文班会员可以好好放松并释放压力。

Professional Tutor Camp KBM

2020/2021 Semester 2



代表缘分, 代表遇见。相遇相知相识属于缘分,能够在华文班遇见你我是特殊的缘分和福气。象征圆圆满满,代表凝聚, 圆满相聚,让彼此陌生却又志同道合的我们聚在这里,建立属于我们青涩的友谊。源自于竹子,期望大家能像竹子一样,虽然没有粗壮的身躯,但有着坚持不懈的毅力,与同伴们互相协助,勇敢的开拓属于你我人生的轨迹,蓬勃向上。


UTM Mandarin Club had successfully organised a two-day camp themed “Yuan Ju, Zhu Ji” which ended on 8th May 2021. Due to the COVID-19 situation, we had no choice but to organize the camp online.

The word “Yuan” means fate, “Yu” means meeting up. Meeting up and getting to know each other requires fate. Thus, “Yuan” indicates fullness, “Ju” indicates gathering, this further describes our gathering as a blessing because we were able to encounter each other through this two-day camp. Yuan” means togetherness, “Ju” means gathering. Through this camp, we hope to provide an opportunity for everyone to know each other and spend enjoyable times together. “Zhu” is originated from the word bamboo. Bamboo indicates perseverance and teamwork. We hope everyone could grow like bamboo, persevere when things get rough and encourage one another to stay strong in this storm.

We are utterly grateful to all the committee members and participants who contributed to this year's camp. Your participation has empowered us and we truly hope everyone is benefited from our camp. Lastly, we hope to see everyone next year!

2019/2020 Semester 1



这一届的大型主题是《突Young》,原文取自俚语“Too Young,Too Simple”。 而“突”则代表着突破自我的意思。 整个主题的核心价值围绕在鼓励青少年突破自我的设限,跨越未来的挑战。

感谢理事用心筹办,也感谢营员们积极的参与,培训营才能达到预期的目的。 祝福你们今后在面对未来的不确定性,依然能以不老的生命力去接受,并且完成挑战!

UTM Mandarin Class's 3 Days 2 Nights professional training camp was held at Ulu Tiram from 25 to 27 October 2019.

The theme given for this term was 《突Young》. The original text was adapted from quote "Too Young, Too Simple", which 突carried the meaning of breaking the limits. The core values surrounded the idea of​​ encouraging the youths to break their limits in order to face the future challenges.

A huge thanks to all the committees for their contribution and all the members who actively involved. Because of you, we've achieved our goals in this training camp.

UTM Mandarin Class wishes you all the best in your future.

2018/2019 Semester 2






Congratulations to UTM Mandarin Class for organising the Professional Tutor Camp, "Meng Yuan" at Tanjung Piai, Kukup. Thanks for the participants' support and the committees' passion in making the camp a success. The camp have had a huge impact on strengthening the bonds between the members.

The title " Meng Yuan" depicts the subtle relationship between human's destiny and dreams.

As we follow the path towards our dream, we encounter others and thus we share the same journey.

2018/2019 Semester 1

2017/2018 Semester 2

2017/2018 Semester 1

The USM & UTM Mandarin Class Programme Interaction Camp has been held successfully.

We hereby thanks the organizing committee for their commitments, and also the enthusiastic participation of the members, as these are the key factors that accomplish the camp.

A group of people creates an opportunity. But a group of hearts forms a team. Let's meet again next time.






2013/2014 Semester 2