




 工大华文班之学员活动 《思聚

Cultural Activity “Memories and Make Moments”




On May 23, 2024, UTM Mandarin Club organized a cultural activity with the theme of Memories and Make Moments successfully. The concept of the theme is the Qingming festival. It is a festival to show our appreciation to our ancestors but also carries connotations of looking towards the future. Simultaneously, the festival is also an opportunity for gathering with the family members, make some new moments. Through this event, we remind everyone to cherish their loved ones. 

This event was not just to provide a platform for KBM students to get to know about Chinese culture, but also strengthen the bonds between students and tutors. 

At this event, KBM students gathered together and had a wonderful time full of joy. The success of the event was because of the careful planning by each committee member and the enthusiastic participation of the students. We sincerely thank everyone who took part in making this event run smoothly. Your passion and efforts made it all happen!

 多媒体处 : AI 和 ANIMAKER 线上工作坊

AI & ANIMAKER Online Workshop

工大华文班多媒体处于2024年4月14日举办了线上AI & ANIMAKER工作坊。本次工作坊面向理事和各部门成员开放报名。在此次线上工作坊中,我们学习了如何利用AI制作精美海报,以及使用ANIMAKER剪辑影片的技巧!感谢大家抽出时间参与,希望这些新技能能为大家带来更多灵感,创作出更加出色的电子海报和影片!

On April 14, 2024, the Multimedia Department of UTM Mandarin Club hosted an online AI & ANIMAKER workshop. This workshop was open for registration to board members and members from all departments. During this online workshop, we learned how to utilize AI to create stunning posters and use ANIMAKER for video editing! Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate. We hope these new skills bring you inspiration and help you create even more outstanding digital posters and videos! 

工大华文班之开幕典礼《文化启航, 智慧飞扬》

Opening Ceremony “Cultural Odyssey, Wisdom Soars"

新学期,新开始。工大华文班在迎来新一批学员后,我们于2024年4月1日为学员们举办了象征学海旅程拉开序幕的开幕典礼。典礼主题为 《文化启航,智慧飞扬》,寓意着文化引导我们向新旅程启航,智慧带领我们实现新的进步和飞跃 。望学员们能够坚持不懈的努力,不断学习,从而取得辉煌的成就。

于此同时,我们衷心感谢 Encik Hakim Bin Isa 和 Prof. Madya Dr Yeak Su Hoe夫妇抽空出席,为我们华文班剪彩,为典礼增添了崭新的色彩。同时,我们也要感谢南方之音的表演者们与张芷欣同学为我们的典礼带来了精彩纷呈的演出。


A new semester marks a new beginning. With the arrival of a new batch of students, UTM Mandarin Club held an opening ceremony on April 1, 2024, symbolizing the start of their academic journey. The theme of the ceremony, "Cultural Odyssey, Wisdom Soars," signifies that culture guides us as we embark on a new journey, and wisdom leads us to new progress and leaps forward. We hope the students will persevere, continuously learn, and achieve brilliant success.

At the same time, we sincerely thank Encik Hakim Bin Isa and Prof. Madya Dr. Yeak Su Hoe for taking the time to attend and officiate the ribbon-cutting ceremony, adding a new dimension to our event. We also extend our gratitude to the performers from South Voice and student Chong Zhi Xin for their wonderful performances, which greatly enhanced our ceremony.

The success of the ceremony was the result of everyone's collective efforts. Here, we would like to especially thank all the board members and department staff for their hard work and dedication. Of course, we are also grateful to everyone who attended the ceremony, and we hope to continue receiving your support in the future.




华文班,有美女,有惊喜,还有你,我们欢迎你! 在此,工大华文班的所有理事欢迎各位处员的加入。在未来的日子里,让我们一起启航,向新旅程出发,共同创造更加美好的社团未来!再次感谢大家的支持和参与!

Club Song 班歌

Take a moment and listen to our club song. 

Sing with us!