Horse Farm Ministry

Horse racing is an important part of the life and culture of Louisville, Kentucky.  Many of the horses that participate in this industry are cared for in Oldham County.  While horse racing is called the "sport of kings," often the people who work on these farms caring for the horses are treated as paupers.  

Over the years, at Grace and Glory we have partnered with the Kentucky Race Track chaplains from the backside at Churchill Downs to share God's love and grace with the people who work on these farms.  We've offered backpacks loaded with school supplies to the families who call these horse farms home. We've delivered turkeys and Thanksgiving dinner meal fixings. And, most recently, we've delivered food to these families through our mobile food pantry.

If you're interested in supporting this work, call us at 502.228.0650. Let's get to know our Spanish-speaking neighbors better!