
De-streaming isn't just about changing the content and texts that we teach, it is also about ensuring that equitable, responsive instruction is taking place.  Below you will find some resources to consider as you plan for de-streamed grade 9 English.

Evidence-Based Systematic and Explicit Instruction

Multimodal Literacy Instruction

Oral Communication Instructional Practices

Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction

The Tiered Approach to Language and Literacy Instruction

Selecting Texts and Learning Resources

Summary of Instructional Approaches  

Tier 1 Supports Strategies

What is good for one student is good for all students

The Benefits of Guided Practice & Small Group Instruction for ALL Students:

Skills Based Possible Class Template and time breakdown:

Example weekly routine to support learning goals:


Conferences allow us to focus on skills and strategies with individual students.  

Conferences are important across all four strands of the English curriculum (e.g. writing conferences, oral communication, including speaking and listening, as well as reading conferences).

Conferences help us to gather information of student learning through conversation in our assessment practices. 

The BIG PICTURE:  one way to think about and plan course based around learning goals and data

Another way to "plan":  Building a "playlist" by Dr. Caitlin Tucker

How to "Backwards Design":


Student voice and choice must inform purposeful and intentional instructional and assessment decisions: