Unit 1

Development of Canada From 1840-1867

Lesson 3

Inquiry: What was British North America like prior to 1867?

Research your topic and create a visual presentation. You will present your work to the class.

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Questions to Answer

  • Describe this region and its people during the time period of 1840-1867 (e.g. cultural background, population, geographic location, etc...)

  • What economic resources would this colony bring to a union of the colonies (e.g. food, natural resources, labour force, etc.)?

  • Who are the important people from this colony during this time period? What important events occurred here during this time period?

Success Criteria

  • My historical information is relevant to my topic and I have reported it accurately in my own words.

  • I have answered all of the questions and created a visual presentation that includes pictures and text.

  • I have used a variety of sources to gather my information.

  • I have practiced my presentation and am able to communicate the main points without reading off of the screen.