Unit 1

New France and British North America

Lesson 4

Historic Maps of Canada

As you look at the historic maps think about the major changes that you notice and what might have caused these changes to the Map of Canada.

  • What occupations do you think the residents of New France in 1713 held?

  • In 1713, if you wanted to visit different parts of New France, what methods of transportation would you use?

  • Quick Inquiry...what is Rupert's Land?

What is Rupert's Land?

While searching for a route between Europe and Asia, English explorer Henry Hudson discovered the area called Hudson’s Bay. The Hudson’s Bay Company was formed in 1670. It controlled almost all of the trading that occurred anywhere in the Hudson’s Bay watershed area. It is the oldest merchandise (selling products) company in the English-speaking world. It was a major component of the fur trade. A series of land and water battles took place in the Hudson and James Bay areas and in 1713 France gave this area to England along with Acadia and Newfoundland. The Hudson’s Bay Company owned Rupert’s land until its sale to the Dominion of Canada in 1870

The Map of 1713

Study the Map of New France in 1713. This map will help you in the next lessons to visualize the physical location of the various locations in and around New France.