Unit 1

Confederation and Western Canada

Lesson 1

#1) Is it important to study history? Why or why not?

  • Class discussion (add ideas to Jamboard)

  • Review some other Yes and No reasons

#2) Timeline Activity - grade 7 review

  • Students use the handout to try to order and date the events

  • Take up the work / students make corrections


April 11, 1713

Under the Treaty of Utrecht, France agrees that Britain has control over the Hudson’s Bay area, Acadia and Newfoundland.


July 9, 1749

Halifax, Nova Scotia is officially established with British settlers. The area was still important to French speaking settlers called the Acadians.


September 5, 1755

The expulsion of the Acadians by the British from their homeland occurs. This occurs because they will not swear an oath to the British crown.


May 17, 1756

The Seven Years’ War begins between the British and French.


September 13, 1759

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham occurs. Québec City is captured by the British led by General James Wolfe.


February 10, 1763

The Seven Years War ends with the Treaty of Paris. Britain gains control and ownership of the remaining French colonies in New France.


June 22, 1774

The Québec Act is passed by the British Parliament. This act outlines the new legal system which combines French civil law and British criminal law. Religious freedom for Roman Catholics is established.


June 10, 1791

Upper and Lower Canada are established. The capital city in Upper Canada was Newark then moved to Toronto and the capital city of Lower Canada was Quebec City.



Many battles are fought between the Americans and the British during the war of 1812. It ended with the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814



Rebellions break out in Upper Canada led by William Lyon Mackenzie and Lower Canada led by Louis Joseph Papineau.



Lord Durham reports back to the British crown about the rebellions and several important recommendations are made that lead to the union of Upper and Lower Canada into one colony named The Province of Canada.


December 31, 1857

Queen Victoria makes Ottawa the new capital of the Province of Canada. Ottawa was selected because of the distance from the American border, its proximity to the border of Canada East and West and its excellent water transportation routes.