Intro Letter

Example #1

My name is ******** but people also call me *****, *****, ***** and *****. I love to play any sport there is, but my favourites are hockey, volleyball and football. During my free time in winter my go to activity will always be skiing, snowmobiling, and playing hockey on my pond. As for the summer, I’ll be on ATV trails with my neighbours, at the beach or hanging out with my friends. School definitely isn’t my favourite place to be, but I enjoy seeing my friends. Gym is my favorite subject, but other than that I really enjoy writing! I have an older brother in grade 10 that is very, very smart (which gets very annoying) and we fight a lot, but other than that he’s probably the best brother I have. My family is pretty huge, I prefer my dad’s side of the family being that all my cousins are my age. We are all very close and enjoy each other's company. My family also loves to travel and try new things, we love seeing new sights and seeing different lifestyles people live. I think the person I look up to the most is Logan Paul, when he started vlogging he was made fun of by a lot of people and now he nearly has 11 million subscribers on YouTube, he shows me to never give up on my dreams no matter what people say about you, my favourite quote from him is:

“Exploit your strengths and fix your weaknesses”

Example #2

Hi, I’m *****. In my free time, I enjoy writing. I really like to write stories, and I also like poetry. I enjoy it because I am not a fan of long books, and poetry is very short, yet also has lots of feeling. I live with my Mom, Dad and little sister. I also have a dog named Bailey. Another thing I like to do is watch videos on Youtube. When i’m bored, I like watching videos by Jake Paul and Logan Paul. I like watching Youtube, because it always gives me something to do when I am bored. When I’m older, I would like to be a lawyer, because I love debates and arguments. I also love to travel. My favourite place I have been so far is definitely either P.E.I, or Alberta. They are such beautiful places, and they are great for taking pictures. My favourite school subject is English. Mainly because we get to write, which like I said is one of my favourite things to do in my free time. Writing can be very interesting, especially when you get to compare what you wrote to others. I really like writing “diary entries” in the point of view of a different character, because I like being in the role of someone else, and explaining how they might feel in a situation.