Unit 1: Sept. 3 - Oct. 24


How to Choose a Research Topic

Oral Communication & Drama

Facial Expressions

Media Literacy & Presentations

Website Design



The Story of Earth (background info)

The Story of Us (background info)

Thinking Like a Geographer

Case Study: Ebola


Population Patterns and Growth

How is Earth's Population Changing?

Where Do People Live?

What Influences Where People Build Settlements?

Case Study: Population Patterns and Growth in Nigeria

Settlements and the Environment

How Can Physical Processes Affect Settlements?

How is Climate Change Affecting Settlements?

Case Study: Feeding the Hungry in Bangladesh

Impacts of Settlement

What Are Today's Settlement Trends?

Case Study: Megaregions

How Does Settlement Affect the Environment?

Making Our Communities More Sustainable

What are the Challenges of Sustainability?

Case Study: Brazil's Biofuel Bounty

What Does Sustainability Look Like?