Classroom Info for Parents


I will send out a School Day message once every unit (there are 4 units in the year). Most of the assessment we do in English will not be sent home to sign. After each unit, have your child sign into Google Classroom to go over their grades. I will contact you personally if I have concerns about your child, for example, marks that drop below a C or if your child's work is significantly lower than the previous year or term. Feel free to contact me anytime if you would like to know how your child is progressing.

Report Card Grades

Teachers build their program based on specific skills and content found in the curriculum which can be found at:

The Ministry of Education document we use to guide our assessments is called Growing Success. On page 39, it states: "Determining a report card grade will involve teachers’ professional judgement and interpretation of evidence and should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement, with special consideration given to more recent evidence." Teachers use evidence based on student assignments, teacher observations of student work during classroom activities, and one-on-one teacher-student conferences.


I will not specifically assign daily homework; however, I have firm due dates that I expect students to respect. This means students may need to do some reading, writing, or other assignments at home in order to meet the due date. The main points in my lessons will be available under Class Notes for students to review.

Writing Assessments: The 6 Traits of Writing

Download: Writing Assessment for more information on how I assess writing.