Activity Centres

1. Mapping

Maps - Confederation Activity

Discussion Questions:

1. What major changes do you notice as you look through the different maps?

2. What might have caused these changes to the map of Canada

3. Who might reside in the various areas of the map of Canada in 1862? What occupations do you think they might hold?

4. In 1862, if you wanted to visit different parts of British North America, what methods of transportation might you use?

5. In your opinion, when does the map of Canada start to look familiar?

2. Canadian Pacific Railway

4. Pros and Cons

4. Political Cartoons

5. Video

Watch these 3 video segments:

1:11:36 - 1:14:00

1:17:46 - 1:19:28

1:20:45 - 1:30:24