1. Concussions

Concussions in sports power point

2. The Sun and Tanning Beds

3. Body Art

Body Art Overview

4. Recreational Vehicles

5. Swimming and Water Safety


  • Misjudge their swimming ability. Teens have drowned while trying to swim across a lake or river. Cold water and currents can overpower the skills of even a good swimmer or athlete. The conditions can take away their strength before they know it.
  • Dive, swing or jump into shallow water or are not aware of hazards or objects that can’t be seen from the surface. Teens are more likely than any other age group to suffer diving injuries, many of which result in spinal cord damage or death.
  • Delay getting help. Teens most often drown when they are with friends. Teens have died because their friends didn’t know they were in trouble or thought they were joking and then did not know how to respond.
  • Use alcohol or drugs around water. One half of all drownings in teen males are tied to alcohol use. Alcohol affects judgement and swimming skills. It, also, increases the effects of hypothermia.
  • Boat or swim in unguarded water without a life jacket.
  • Are not aware of the dangers of cold water and currents. Swimming in open water is not like swimming in a pool.

Water Safety for Teens Article