Fiction Writing Checklist

Thoroughly check these items in your story:

  • The story is between 350 - 500 words
  • I have capitalized i, proper nouns, and the first letter of every sentence.
  • I indented every paragraph.
  • I used dialogue.
  • I used proper punctuation in my dialogue.
  • I used juicy words by using a thesaurus.
  • I listened to my story on Google Read & Write to be sure it makes sense or I read it out loud.
  • I used a period or other ending punctuation at least every 2 lines.
  • I used commas where I would normally take a breath when reading out loud.
  • I used some adjectives.
  • I used some adverbs.
  • I have a title and it is centred, bolded.
  • My name is centred under the title, bolded.
  • My story is in Cambria 12.
  • Double-spaced.
  • My story takes place in 1 or 2 scenes.
  • I describe the characters, scene, and action.
  • There was a satisfying resolution to the story.