Presentations/ Reviews


Students will be expected to give a series of formal presentations throughout the program to a group of other students and professionals. Presentations happen near mid-terms and finals of both fall and spring semester.

The ability to clearly communicate to a set of stakeholders and counterparts who may have a range of technical and non-technical backgrounds is an essential skill for professionals. While commonly thought of as only an exercise in public speaking, these presentations have the potential to provide much more for a team's project such as invoking valuable feedback, soliciting resources, and informing attendees of the real challenges that the project may encounter.

To learn more about the Presentations and their requirements, see the Presentation Requirements & Guidelines.

For a broad guidance on presentations, see Presentations 101.


Sponsoring companies and organizations are invited and often attend these presentations. Students who can clearly and concisely demonstrate their hard work, motivation, and attention to detail may catch the eye of a future employer or have opportunities to interact with representatives beyond their project's sponsor