Project Management 101


Project management is a broad topic which warrants deep understanding, but at a high level it is the coordination of people, capital, and resources in order to accomplish a task or design/build/operate a system. 

This page is not intended to be a full course on project management, but is intended to introduce some high-level aspects and provide tools for success.


Collected from practicing engineers.


Teams that dive into their projects early, remain wary of delays, and take appropriate caution with respect to scope-creep throughout the project are likely to find themselves much more successful in senior design and their future careers.

Scope-creep is a phenomena where a project is expanded by adding additional features, functions, requirements, or capabilities to a project that go beyond the initial objectives of a project. Some scope-creep is inherent to most projects as more details are determined and a team more-or-less realizes that they need to make adjustments to be successful. Scope-creep can easily get out of control, however, and crush a project. It is valuable to regularly challenge a project's current requirements and objectives in order to simplify them. Many teams will learn about the tools and techniques for how to hold both the team and the customer to an appropriate scope.

Procrastination is a phenomena by which teams or individuals will delay tasks until as late as possible. Senior design projects are far too large of a scope and involve too many people to delay until late in the game. While there are occasionally legitimate strategies where it makes sense to delay a decision until as late as possible in order to collect information, it is more common that it is simply a psychological behavior of humans. Students should use senior design to develop project management skills to recognize and avoid such pitfalls.


Microsoft Project is a gantt-chart-based scheduling tool that is useful for project managers to understand. It can be downloaded by students of the program by following the instructions at the below link:


While Microsoft Project is valuable, it can also be complex and difficult to approach for certain projects. In many cases, a simplified MS Excel/Google Sheets schedule can be equally or more useful and efficent.