Resources for Stress and Anxiety Reduction

What we are all experiencing with COVID-19 can make us feel stress, worry and anxiety. These reactions are natural and expected when we encounter situations that feel unfamiliar, uncertain, and outside of our direct control. In addition to looking to us to keep them physically healthy, children will need help understanding and working through “big feelings”. 

On this page, you will find several resources to help support your conversations with your children about “big feelings” such as stress, worry and anxiety. 

Anxiety/ Stress Reduction 

Information and Resources:


GGUSD has used mindfulness in many of our schools to support student and staff wellness.  Mindfulness is a way to stay present and help cope with difficult emotions.

Anxiety and Stress 

GGUSD school counselors, school psychologists and school social workers gathered  resources to support with anxiety and stress.  These resources include articles, videos and more.                         


Self-care is important for children and adults. If we can recognize when we are feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed we can take steps to support  ourselves.