Welcome to the website for our project! This site contains information about the grant, as well as resources for families, healthcare providers, and teachers. 

Nurturing Child Well-Being: Educating Communities on Social Determinants of Health

Mission of the project

The social determinants of health- economic stability, healthcare, food security, education, community, and neighborhood/environment- all have a big impact on the health outcomes of children. Our mission is to educate healthcare providers, parents, teachers, and community members on how these factors can impact children's health, and provide community resources that can help improve health outcomes. 

Project Logo

This is an interactive logo that represents several social determinants of health in DC: economic stability, health, food/diet, education, community, and housing. 

If you need resources for a particular factor, simply click on that part of the logo, and you will be directed to that page. For example: if you are looking for resources to combat food insecurity, click on the picture of the fork and knife.

Our Efforts & Goals

Effort 1

Educate providers, families, and community organizations on factors that affect child-wellbeing.

Effort 2

Promote a Medical Home and adequate child health assessments.

Effort 3

Guide families and providers in finding D.C. community resources.

Effort 4

Increase children's access to healthcare services.