Av events

For events and set-ups concerning Fisher Colloquium, Lohrfink Auditorium, conference rooms, and classrooms, please email msbhelp@georgetown.edu to submit a request.

Submitting an AV request does not reserve any of the spaces discussed, serve as a furniture request, or pertain to catering requests. This form is strictly for tech assistance or equipment requests.

All AV reservations and services are contingent upon availability of equipment. In order to guarantee we will be able to complete your request, we ask you email us 2 full business days prior to small events (such as laptop, projector, or speakers set ups), and five full business days prior to larger events (speaker events or large parties).

In your request email please specify:

1) Location of the event

2) Time of the event

3) Technology needed such as a laptop, projection, audio, PowerPoint advancer, microphones, and event recording