Silverio Zebral

Mr. Zebral-Filho is a Head of Government Innovation Unit at The Organization of American States (OAS) and an adjunct professor on Government Innovation at The Graduate School of Political Management at The George Washington University (GSPM/GWU) - both headquartered in Washington-DC, USA. Silverio collaborates as affiliated faculty with The Ostrom Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University Bloomington and as guest lecturer for GCL and ILG Programs at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business as well.

Before joining the OAS, he has made career as development economist at Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), as an executive coordinator of the Center for Studies on State Reform at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and as research associate at Genesis Institute at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC -Rio), Brazil.

Silverio has been working on ah hoc basis as consultant, observer, and program manager for international development institutions (i.e. UNDP, IDB, AECID, EU) and international political foundations (i.e. IRI, KAS, ODCA, DDC). In these capacities, he has led more than 60 technical and political missions in support of several national and regional-level governments in Latin America and the Caribbean on economic development, democratic governance, public-private partnerships, government innovation and public sector strengthening – specially Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Paraguay, Bolivia and Costa Rica.

Mr. Zebral-Filho has specific experience as senior advisor for corporations and business community in Brazil, where he seated at International Affairs Committee at Rio de Janeiro´s Industrial Federation (FIRJAN) and American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM). He consulted on governmental affairs and business development for Ostos&Sola Comunicación Integrada (Madrid, Spain) and Otto Reich Associates (Washington-DC).

Silverio is an adjunct lecturer at several graduate programs on economics, politics and government in the Americas and Europe, such as: The George Washington University (Washington-DC, USA), Instituto de Nacional de Administración Pública, Universidad Camilo José Cela - UCJC and Instituto Ortega-y-Gasset (Madrid, Spain), Miguel de Cervantes University (Santiago, Chile) and Catholic University of Guayaquil (Ecuador) among others.

Economist and political scientist, Mr. Zebral-Filho holds a MPS degree in Political Management from GSPM/GWU, a MA in Development Studies at The Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva, Switzerland and an MBA from IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. Silverio have completed advanced graduate studies in Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Harvard Law School and diplomatic training at Oxford University. He is a member of The HM Royal Institute for International Affairs in London, UK and a non-resident AILA fellow at Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington-DC.

His opinion articles have appeared at El País (Spain), o Globo (Brazil) and O Estado de São Paulo (Brazil). He is the author of 3 books and over 20 articles on political economy, governance, public policy and political management – some of them available at:

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mr. Zebral Filho is a 46 years-old Brazilian-Italian citizen. Silverio have been living in Washington-DC since 2009, after enjoy some wonderful years in Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Hanoi and Geneva.