A Framework for Ethical Decisions

Course Description

Professor: Mario Magalhães

In your professional careers, you often face the need to understand your decisions vis a vis your personal values. Although this is an everyday test for anyone, you never stop to discuss how do you think about this. This session will propose a framework as a tool to support your decisions from now on. The session will address questions such as why do you have to think about ethics? Why are ethics important? We propose that you are on a happier path if your actions are aligned to your ethical values. It is a common challenge to work in a place with a different set of values than you have, and we will discuss how to reconcile all of this.


For the material about Ethics, the references are:

"A vida que vale a pena ser vivida"

Clovis de Barros Filho e Arthur Meucci, Editora Vozes Nobilis, 2009

ISBN-10: 8532639585, ISBN-13: 978-8532639585

"O homem e suas três éticas"

Stéphane Lupasco, Instituto Piaget, 1986

ISBN 972-9295-38-7

For the material about CX (Experiência em Comunicação / Communication Experience), the references are:


Mario 2.pdf
Mario 1.pdf