Leadership & Emotional Intelligence

Course Description

Professor: Diane Garza

This workshop focuses on emotional intelligence as an essential tool for a leader. To navigate highly volatile, demanding and stressful environments requires the ability to think, react and manage emotions under pressure. The workshop will promote the construction of healthy mental habits to maintain high performance, improve well-being and foster interpersonal relationships.

Through attention training and development of "mindfulness" we seek to generate the basic emotional intelligence skills necessary for effective leadership. The session will provide an overview of the neuroscience of emotion as well as principles and practices to develop healthy mental habits in order to improve empathy, communication, decision making and social skills.

Learning objectives:

- Increase self-awareness to understand the information that emotions convey

- Cultivate mindfulness to react more productively to challenges or stressors

- Understand the foundations of neuroscience and the development of healthy mental habits

- Increase emotional intelligence to foster an environment for productive labor relations


Emotional Agility.pdf


Leadership_Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence_ILG Brazil.pdf