Communication with Stakeholders & Negotiations

Course Description

Professor: Robert Rogowsky

The purpose of this set of lectures is to give students an understanding of the importance of strategically assessing how and why to identify and, through persuasion and negotiation, control, the stakeholders who will affect government policy. The course will examine how the structures, environments, interests, agendas and constituencies of businesses, civil society, academia, and governments shape their relationships and drive policy outcomes.

Learning Objectives

To give students a more clear understanding of and power based on advocacy in the policy space where governments (both domestic and foreign), and stakeholders (both national and multinational) interact.


Lecture on Science of Negotiating Brazil 2018.pdf
Lecture I in Negotiations (11.2018).pdf


Rogowsky_Mandatory_3-D Negotiation.pdf

Mandatory: "3D Negotiation: Playing the Whole Game"

Rogowsky_Mandatory_Habits of Merely Effective Negotiators.pdf

Mandatory: "Six Habits of Highly Effective Negotiators"

Optional Readings/ Additional resources:

Rogowsky_Strategic Management of Stakeholders.pdf
Rogowsky_U.S. States Defy Trump's Climate Pact Withdrawal.pdf