August 31 - September 4


Dear students,

You will need to access Week 2 story (August 24-28) to work on this week's assignment. Review notes from Week 2 as needed and look at the sample story "The Big Move" and the filled out plot diagram for it. Use that to help guide you.

You will need to fill out the diagram yourself using Jack and the Beanstalk story. If you submitted Week 2 assignment, you have most of the events already listed. If you need assistance, email me at

Ms. Duenas

Week 3 Plan.pdf
The Big Move Story.pdf

"The Big Move"

Read the story "The Big Move." Think about the events that would fall in the plot diagram. Then study the sample plot diagram below.

The Big Move Plot Diagram.pdf

"The Big Move" Plot Diagram

Look at the filled out plot diagram for "The Big Move." Use it as a guideline for your assignment for Week 3. You are filling out all the parts of the plot and the theme.

Assignment: Jack and the Beanstalk Plot Diagram

After studying the events in the sample plot diagram. Fill out the events for Jack and the Beanstalk. The exposition has the characters, setting, and background information. Rising action contains the events that lead up to the most exciting part or tuning point of the story. The climax is the most exciting part and after this happens the story is almost over. The falling action contains the events that lead to the end. The resolution is the very end.

There are two file types of the Plot Diagram. There is the word format. If you download this, you can type in the text boxes for each part (provided that the formatting stays the same, which doesn't always happen with word documents.) Also included is the pdf version. You may need to print this one and write on it. Due Friday, 09/04/20.

Plot Diagram (2).docx

Blank Plot Diagram (word format)

Plot Diagram (2).pdf

Blank Plot Diagram (pdf format)