Online Rules and Etiquette

Dear students,

We will try our best to keep school and quad information updated and disseminated to you in an orderly fashion. If you need assistance with your GDOE account, please email the school at There are many students and parents emailing already, so please be patient.


Online Rules and Etiquette

You may be getting an invite from your teachers to participate in meetings through Zoom or Google Meets. In order to do so, you must follow the rules and etiquette guidelines (see left).

  1. Be on time.

  2. Dress appropriately.

  3. Display name and attendance.

  4. Use appropriate language.

  5. Use an appropriate background.

  6. Cameras on and microphones muted.

  7. No eating while on video conference.

  8. Chat responsibly.

  9. Only students of that class can address the teacher.

  10. Deliberate defiance of the rules will result in a change of the Model of Learning.