COVID Policy
COVID-19 is still with us, and there are several points we want our attendees to note to keep our conference safe:
We expect every attendee to be vaccinated against COVID-19. At the same time, we acknowledge that the distribution and availability of vaccines is very uneven around the world, and will therefore not check for any specific vaccination brand/type/number.
Attendees are also strongly encouraged to keep up-to-date with other vaccinations, like influenza.
When indoors, we strongly encourage the use of masks to reduce the potential spread of diseases (including, but not limited to, COVID-19).
When you feel sick, and/or if you test positive for COVID-19, please do not attend the conference, and contact an organizer instead.
If at all possible, we request that you test before you leave for the conference, to minimize trans-regional spread.
The organizers will keep an eye on global and regional infection counts, and may modify this policy as needed.
We are currently working with the venue to determine the best way to live-stream talks, so that attendees that feel sick or do not wish to sit in the auditorium can follow the conference online. More details coming soon.