Call for Artifacts

Many aspects of AI and entertainment are fundamentally artifact-based. Researchers invest a great deal of time in developing software, frameworks, games, datasets and assets that can be useful for others to build upon. We encourage researchers, practitioners, developers, and artists to submit such re-usable artifacts that may benefit other researchers. For papers in the artifacts track, the main contribution is the artifact itself. The paper should describe the artifact and demonstrate its significance to the research community. The artifact itself must be publicly and freely available for (at least) non-commercial research use. Accepted authors are expected to demonstrate their artifact at the conference.

Part of the motivation for the artifacts track is to support the creation of citable, archival documentation associated with useful resources for the AI and entertainment community.

Artifact papers are expected to describe the artifact itself, independent of any specific research project that may have used them.  Thus we expect that authors may submit artifact papers about artifacts used in research papers they are also submitting.  However, submissions should be prepared as any other archival paper with respect to the material included and stand on their own.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 PM AoE (anywhere on earth) time (UTC-12).

Topic Areas

Examples artifacts include but are not limited to:

What to Submit: Paper and Artifact

Papers are expected to describe the artifact, as well its contribution to the research community. Papers submitted to the artifacts track are expected to follow the same guidelines as research papers. Additionally, the artifact must be submitted with the paper for evaluation.


Papers should be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style. The AAAI Press Author Kit provides instructions for writing papers using both LaTeX and Microsoft Word.


Artifacts papers are allotted a maximum of 4 pages of content (including any acknowledgements or appendices), with no limit on the number of pages for references.


When submitting their paper, authors will also be required to submit their artifact, with instructions for how to access it, and if it is interactive, how to install and run it. These materials should also be anonymized, and included as a link in the paper.

Submissions that are inconsistent with the length or scope of the track, or submissions without a link to an artifact or instructions for how to access it may be desk rejected at the discretion of the program chairs.

Artifact Access

Artifacts must be made publicly available with a license that allows for (at least) non-commercial research use.  A link to the artifact must be included in the paper.  Authors must also describe a maintenance plan and must plan to maintain the artifact for at least 2 years after publication.

Artifacts including datasets or assets are strongly encouraged to include appropriate dataset documentation, such as Datasheets for Datasets, in the linked artifact. Reviewers can take into consideration the dataset documentation (or its absence).

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions (including the paper and the artifact) will be peer reviewed. Submitted materials will be reviewed as one package, and judged on technical merit, accessibility to developers and researchers, originality, presentation, impact, and significance.

Artifacts are evaluated against the criteria of:

How to Submit

All submission should be made via EasyChair in the Artifacts Track.

Paper and Software Submissions must be Anonymized for Double-masked Review

Papers must be anonymized for Double-masked Review; authors are not aware of the identity of their reviewers, and reviewers are not aware of the identity of the authors for the papers they review. Authors must take care to remove names, institutional affiliations, and contact information from the front page, throughout the paper, and throughout any software source code (if part of submission). For software, we strongly encourage authors to make use of Anonymous Github ( to facilitate anonymization. 

Authors should not remove their names from citations, but when citing their own work, authors should refer to themselves in third person. For example, instead of saying “In our previous work (Smith et al. 2020) we showed…” the authors should write “Previously, Smith et al. (2020) showed…” First person voice and phrases that explicitly identify the authors may be added back to the camera ready paper after acceptance.

Submission Policies

Submissions to the artifacts track should follow the same policies as the main papers track.

The Peer Review Process

After submission, the AIIDE 2024 organizing committee will assign no fewer than three reviewers to the submission, alongside a meta-reviewer who will shepherd the paper through the review process.

Artifact papers will not have a response period.

Upon Acceptance of Your Paper and Artifact

Contact authors of accepted papers will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit a final version by the Publication-ready deadline for inclusion in the conference proceedings. This deadline is final and set in advance by AAAI. If authors are unable to meet this deadline, the paper will be removed from the AIIDE 2024 conference proceedings. 

At the Conference: Presentation and Demonstration

We expect that accepted artifacts will be allocated a presentation at an artifacts session during the conference.  Additionally, the artifact will be demonstrated at AIIDE. Authors will be asked to demonstrate their artifact either during a dedicated session at the main conference or during the poster session, as appropriate.

After the Conference: Publication

All accepted artifacts papers will be published in the AIIDE 2024 proceedings by AAAI Press, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.