Teamwork & Online Safetly

Student wellbeing is of essential importance to us. We place particular emphasis on online safety throughout the academic year. Our students are faced with making continuous decisions about how they interact online. Through collaboration and creativity we bring the whole community together to highlight, discuss and debate our online identities. As part of this campaign, students created videos about online safety. When planning their videos, students brainstorm together on the main ideas around online safety and reflected on their own online activities as well as those they come into contact with. Students then shared their creation with the school community and beyond. Below videos highlight our Safer Internet Day Campaign and an example of a student created video.  

This video shows how important inclusion is for all students both on and offline. Our students used the Everyone Can Create Video book and decided that the best way to convey their message was through a silent movie which had a powerful impact.

This video tells the story of how our GCL community come together as a team to share an important message. To celebrate their video creations the school arranges an ‘Oscar event’ and the movies were shown in the cinema. Students have an immense sense of pride when their message is shared on the big screen.