Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh is renowned for its excellent use of technology in education and has provided considerable and appropriate leadership in this field. The use of technology in particular has greatly enhanced our ability to promote critical thinking and has given our learners huge ownership of their own learning. This has afforded staff the opportunity to demonstrate themselves as Leaders of Teaching and Learning in Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh. 

As is clear from our College motto - ‘Ag forbairt le chéile’ , a high standard of work is required from all students, to the best of their ability. To support this, we provide an effective teaching and learning environment and the use of technology is vital to this. Personalised Learning is crucial in the modern classroom and our use of technology enriches the learning. This affirms that the college is aspiring to provide a centre of educational excellence for the benefit of the students and we are constantly trying to improve in every way so that the College is always to the fore in student progression. 

Effective communication throughout the whole school community is integral in sustaining the effective use of technology in the school in order to transform our student’s learning outcomes. Our parents, Board of Management and administrative staff are key to this process so that all stakeholders are informed and buy-in to our vision. 

At Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh, we recognise the importance, the possibilities and the responsibility that comes with increased use of and integration of Digital Technology into our classrooms. It brings with it exciting learning opportunities to collaborate and create, to step outside our comfort zones and to find new ways of enhancing our students experiences in the classroom. 

We want our students to become creators and critics, not just consumers. We encourage our students and teachers to use digital technology as an essential tool in a broad toolkit to bring learning to life.  Digital technology has not only enhanced Student engagement, it has also enabled us to improve communication and collaboration between student, teacher, parent and school leaders.

Equally as important as the possibilities with which technology presents us, are the responsibilities which come with it. As educators, we must ensure that our students use technology sensibly and safely. At Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh, we encourage our students to ensure a balanced approach to the use of technology, both at school and at home and to view it as one element in a blended learning approach. We are guiding our students to be responsible citizens, digitally and otherwise.”

When making a difference in a child’s life in school, it’s that very subtle layer of support that does it. Often with students, the devil is in the detail and making sure they have a very smooth journey through the school day makes the learning experience more productive for them. 

The iPad really lends to that because there is less energy needed to get the locker, get everything out of the locker and organise everything. That means the energy is all used on the learning, the iPad made learning a lot easier for them. 

If it works for a student with Special Educational Needs, you find out that it works for almost everybody else. That’s the value of having students that learn differently in a class as it makes everybody explore new avenues of learning, new ways to do things, and that benefits everybody. The iPad itself really facilitates that inclusion so it’s like a ripple effect that goes out to everybody.

As Senior Digital Leader, it is with great pride that we are an Apple Distinguished school. We thrive on the collegiality, the amazing support and resources and ultimately the passion for education that the Apple community share and inspire. 

Our school places the student at the centre and we aim to ensure that each student reaches their own potential through personalising their learning. We feel it’s important that we are not only giving our students the tools to learn but the love of learning for the rest of their lives. We instill in our student that anything is possible with hard work, determination and creativity. 

We place emphasis on the that fact the each member of our community it a creator and we celebrate that creativity everyday in many ways. Our Digital Leaders, both staff and students continue to drive the momentum of innovation that was initiated by our founding Principal and wonderful leader Donncha O’Treasiagh.