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My year group first began using iPads when we reached Transition Year. Throughout the rest of our time in GCL, we became experts at using them to do all manner of things, including creating videos and accessing ebooks. Personally, I found that this engagement with technology in secondary school benefitted me greatly as I continued onto third level.

Firstly, completing assignments in college using a laptop was simple and the only trouble I had was figuring out what to write! The typing lessons that I had in fourth year and the subsequent two years of practice meant that I didn't have any issues with creating documents and writing essays on apps such as Pages. Knowing how to put together videos using Apple technology also proved beneficial when, as part of a module, we had to make a video on a topic in biochemistry. I was able to use iMovie to record and edit the video for my project and my previous knowledge definitely saved time as I had used it before in GCL.

In addition to this, my previous experience with technology encouraged me to complete a coding course with CodeFirst:Girls in my first semester in college. This course taught me the basics of using Front-End Web Technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. By the end of the lessons, I was able to design and assemble my own website. If I hadn’t had much information on technology before this, I would have struggled to complete this course as it discussed detailed concepts surrounding web design and the Internet.

Lastly, the use of technology in secondary school continues to enhance my education in third level as it taught me how to access online learning resources. Whenever I get stuck on a topic I use websites like Khan Academy and YouTube channels e.g. CrashCourse, to better my understanding. As a result, I could easily expand my knowledge on subjects without trawling through endless websites to find something useful.

Overall, the experience that I had with technology in GCL complemented my transition into third level education as I used it to do assignments, learn new IT skills and broaden my comprehension of various subjects.