Celebrating Student Voice

Student voice is very important to GCL. We encourage and welcome student to express their opinions and feelings about any topic that is important to them. Through the use of technology students have many options to magnify the message they are trying to convey. 

This was very evident when our students embarked on a project highlighting ‘Women in Politics’. Celebrating 100 years since women got the vote, this project aimed to encourage young students to vote, learn about politics, broaden their horizons, and possibly have a career in politics. They shared their story and portrayed their message using a selection of apps including iMovie and Apple Clips. They also used Greenscreen to place themselves with their heroes in their movies. 

One movie in particular, left such an impression on the Department of Jusitice, that students were invited to meet the Minister for Justice and many prominent female politicians in  Dáil Éireann. Their videos were shared nationally and globally through  social media to promote women in politics. This project has inspired the student cohort. It enabled them to realise that they have a voice and that people want to hear it.