Support GNS 

Support Garden Nursery School

Garden Nursery School relies on alumni and community outreach to raise funds to provide scholarships and to support the school in its mission to provide a cooperative, safe, and joyful environment for young children. All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. 

How to Donate

Checks should be made payable to Garden Nursery School and sent to: 

We also use PayPal for online donations. Submit your donation using your credit card or PayPal account using the link below.

The GNS  Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the annual GNS  Scholarship fund is to provide a path for all families in our community to have an opportunity to attend our program.

The idea behind the fund is that giving a little can give a lot. Please consider giving the following amounts:

Click-through fundraiser.  Click the below link and shop on amazon so that a percentage of the proceeds will go to GNS.

Participate in GNS Events

Check out Upcoming Events to see what's coming up and how you can help.

Copyright Garden Nursery School. All rights reserved. 

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