COmmunity & Holiday Activity Programmes ( CAP / HAP )

Community and Holiday Activity Programmes (CAP & HAP) are activity programmes open to both UWCSEA and non-UWCSEA community seeking additional development and competitive opportunities. The overall aim of these initiatives is to bring the wider community together through a diverse range of activities.

The Climbing CAP and HAP offer extensive yet inclusive experiences, catering to all ages and abilities from K1 to G12. Both programmes incorporate numerous opportunities to develop each learner's personal technical skill like knot-tying, safety awareness and climbing equipment knowledge, as well as climbing-related movement skills through a collection of games and challenges. Both programmes are open to new learners (with little to no experience) as well as moderately experienced learners with some experience.

While both the CAP and HAP classes offer a range of opportunities for students of various interest levels and abilities to take part, there are some important differences between their classes:

For more details about schedules and registration, please proceed to the relevant sites:

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